Project description:Neurons were dissociated and purified from adult (~3 months) mouse brains. We used four strains with genetic markers that enabled live sorting. Thy1-GFP labels a subset of excitatory neurons; VIP-tdTomato, SST-tdTomato and PVALB-tdTomato labels different subsets of inhibitory neurons. The "SAMPLE_ID" sample characteristic is a sample identifier internal to Genentech. The ID of this project in Genentech's ExpressionPlot database is PRJ0016304
Project description:During development, the human brain orchestrates the generation of hundreds of diverse cell types, and recent transcriptomic atlases of the developing human cortex provide new opportunities to identify novel regulators of cell fate specification. We have conducted an integrated meta-analysis of seven recently published single-cell transcriptomic profiles of the developing human cortex, generating a meta-atlas of 225 meta-modules. By tracking the activity of these meta-modules throughout development and comparing this to datasets from the adult human as well as the developing and adult mouse, we identified modules with potential roles in the transition from neurogenesis to gliogenesis and neuronal subtype maturation. The cell type and developmental state at which these modules exist was validated in primary samples from the developing human brain. Of particular interest, we identified and validated a module associated with both developing human deep layer neurons and human adult deep layer neuronal subtypes expressing the terminal differentiation marker FEZF2. Though FEZF2 is neither a member of nor co-expressed with our deep layer-associated gene module, almost half of module genes are putative FEZF2 targets, including TSHZ3, a transcription factor associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. Knockdown experiments in human cortical organoid models confirm that both FEZF2 and TSHZ3 are necessary for deep layer neuron specification. Importantly, we observe that subtle manipulations of these transcription factors result in slight changes in module activity, but together yield strong differences in cell fate. Our analyses therefore reveal a gene network that required to generate deep layer neuronal subtypes, demonstrating the ability of our meta-atlas to engender further mechanistic analyses of cortical fate specification. We anticipate this resource being useful for the study of co-expression programs across diverse biological questions related to the developing neocortex.
Project description:During development, the human brain orchestrates the generation of hundreds of diverse cell types, and recent transcriptomic atlases of the developing human cortex provide new opportunities to identify novel regulators of cell fate specification. We have conducted an integrated meta-analysis of seven recently published single-cell transcriptomic profiles of the developing human cortex, generating a meta-atlas of 225 meta-modules. By tracking the activity of these meta-modules throughout development and comparing this to datasets from the adult human as well as the developing and adult mouse, we identified modules with potential roles in the transition from neurogenesis to gliogenesis and neuronal subtype maturation. The cell type and developmental state at which these modules exist was validated in primary samples from the developing human brain. Of particular interest, we identified and validated a module associated with both developing human deep layer neurons and human adult deep layer neuronal subtypes expressing the terminal differentiation marker FEZF2. Though FEZF2 is neither a member of nor co-expressed with our deep layer-associated gene module, almost half of module genes are putative FEZF2 targets, including TSHZ3, a transcription factor associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. Knockdown experiments in human cortical organoid models confirm that both FEZF2 and TSHZ3 are necessary for deep layer neuron specification. Importantly, we observe that subtle manipulations of these transcription factors result in slight changes in module activity, but together yield strong differences in cell fate. Our analyses therefore reveal a gene network that required to generate deep layer neuronal subtypes, demonstrating the ability of our meta-atlas to engender further mechanistic analyses of cortical fate specification. We anticipate this resource being useful for the study of co-expression programs across diverse biological questions related to the developing neocortex.
Project description:Thiele2013 - Cerebral cortex neuronal cells
The model of cerebral cortex neuronal cells metabolism is derived from the community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism (version 2.02, MODEL1109130000
This model is described in the article:
A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism.
Thiele I, et al
Nature Biotechnology
Multiple models of human metabolism have been reconstructed, but each represents only a subset of our knowledge. Here we describe Recon 2, a community-driven,
consensus 'metabolic reconstruction', which is the most comprehensive representation of human metabolism that is applicable to computational modeling. Compared
with its predecessors, the reconstruction has improved topological and functional features, including ~2x more reactions and ~1.7x more unique metabolites. Using
Recon 2 we predicted changes in metabolite biomarkers for 49 inborn errors of metabolism with 77% accuracy when compared to experimental data. Mapping metabolomic
data and drug information onto Recon 2 demonstrates its potential for integrating and analyzing diverse data types. Using protein expression data, we automatically
generated a compendium of 65 cell type-specific models, providing a basis for manual curation or investigation of cell-specific metabolic properties. Recon 2 will
facilitate many future biomedical studies and is freely available at
This model is hosted on BioModels Database
and identified by: MODEL1310110033
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced,
curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide. Please refer
to CC0 Public Domain Dedication
for more information.
Project description:Caloric restriction and acute fasting are known to reduce seizures but through unclear mechanisms. In this study, we demonstrate that mTORC1 signaling is reduced after acute fasting of mice. In neurons, mTORC1 is most sensitive to withdrawal of leucine, arginine, and glutamine, which is dependent on DEPDC5. We performed metabolomic analysis of brain cortex from neuronal specific Depdc5 knockout in fed and fasting state. The Depdc5 neuronal specific knockout mice are resistant to sensing significant fluctuations in brain amino acid levels after fasting. These results establish that acute fasting reduces seizure susceptibility in a DEPDC5-dependent manner.
Project description:We report global distribution of trimethylated Histone H3 Lysine 4 (H3K4me3) in human prefrontal cortex neurons at different ages Neuronal nuclei from human prefrontal cortex were isolated by FACS. Regions marked by H3K4me3 were identified by chromatin immunoprecipiation followed by deep sequencing.
Project description:Background: The mitochondrial protein, translocator protein (TSPO), is a widely used biomarker of neuroinflammation, but its non-selective cellular expression pattern implies roles beyond inflammatory processes. The present study investigated whether neuronal activity modifies TSPO expression in the adult central nervous system. Methods: Single-cell RNA sequencing was performed to generate a cellular landscape of basal TSPO gene expression in the hippocampus of adult (12 weeks old) C57BL6/N mice, whereas confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to verify TSPO protein in neuronal and non-neuronal cell populations. TSPO RNA and protein were quantified after stimulating neuronal activity with distinct stimuli, including designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs), exposure to a novel environment and acute treatment with the psychostimulant drug, amphetamine. Results: Single-cell RNA sequencing demonstrated a non-selective and multi-cellular gene expression pattern of TSPO at basal conditions in the adult mouse hippocampus. Confocal laser scanning microscopy confirmed that TSPO protein is expressed in neuronal and non-neuronal (astrocytes, microglia, vascular endothelial cells) cells of cortical (medial prefrontal cortex) and subcortical (hippocampus) brain regions. Stimulating neuronal activity through chemogenetic (DREADDs), physiological (novel environment exposure) or psychopharmacological (amphetamine treatment) approaches led to consistent increases in TSPO gene and protein levels in neurons but not in microglia or astrocytes. Conclusions: Neuronal activity has the potential to modify TSPO expression in the adult central nervous system. These findings challenge the general assumption that altered TSPO levels unequivocally mirrors ongoing neuroinflammation and emphasize the need to consider non-inflammatory interpretations in some physiological or pathological contexts.