Project description:We tested the hypothesis that increasing matrix stiffness on which normal human lung fibroblasts are grown promotes the expression of a fibrogenic cellular transcriptomic program. Keywords: Human lung fibroblast, matrix stiffness, PTGS2, COX-2, Prostaglandin E2 Total RNA extracted from normal human lung fibroblasts from 3 human subjects and separately grown on 5 discrete matrix stiffness conditions: 100, 400, 1600, 6400, 25600 Pascals.
Project description:DM1-iPSCs were generated from the peripheral blood of male adult patients. All clones were generated using episomal vectors. For skeletal muscle differentiation of the DM1-iPSCs, tet-on MYOD1 expression vector was transfected into DM1-iPSCs. To examine whether DM1-iPSC clones with different repeat sizes have acquired different characteristics, we isolated DM1-iPSC clones with different repeat sizes. We isolated 2 clones (S45 and S118) showing repeat size of 400~900, 2 clones (S14 and S24) showing repeat size of 1200~1600, and 2 clones (S1 and S16) showing repeat size of 1800~2800.
Project description:Deep sequencing as a high-throughput technology has been widely used in the transcriptome profiling in mammals. In the present study, we aimed to identify chicken lncRNAs ranging from 300-1600 nt long. Total RNAs from chicken skeletal muscle at the embryonic stage were fractionated by 6% urea PAGE. Selected RNA fractions (300-1600 nt) were sequenced by Solexa technology.
Project description:MEF from p8 knock-out mice were immortalized with rasV12/E1A and infected with an empty or a p8-overexpressing retroviral vector as described. Total RNA was isolated and gene expression profile was studied.
Project description:The broilers were randomly allotted to four treatment groups (Con, DEX, P8, and DEX+P8 groups) with 10 replicates per group (10 broilers per replicate). Broilers in the Con and DEX groups were fed a basal diet. Broilers in the P8 and DEX+P8 groups were fed a basal diet containing 1 × 108 CFU/g P8. At 16 days of age, broilers in the DEX and DEX+P8 groups were injected with 3 mg/kg body weight DEX (200 μL), whereas broilers in the Con group were injected with an equal volume of saline.