Project description:Methanotrophs, which help regulate atmospheric levels of methane, are active in diverse natural and man-made environments. This range of habitats and the feast-famine cycles seen by many environmental methanotrophs suggest that methanotrophs dynamically mediate rates of methane oxidation. Global methane budgets require ways to account for this variability in time and space. Functional gene biomarker transcripts are increasingly being studied to inform the dynamics of diverse biogeochemical cycles. Previously, per-cell transcript levels of the methane oxidation biomarker, pmoA, were found to vary quantitatively with respect to methane oxidation rates in model aerobic methanotroph, Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. In the present study, these trends were explored for two additional aerobic methanotroph pure cultures, Methylocystis parvus OBBP and Methylomicrobium album BG8. At steady-state conditions, per cell pmoA mRNA transcript levels strongly correlated with per cell methane oxidation across the three methanotrophs across many orders of magnitude of activity (R2 = 0.91). Additionally, genome-wide expression data (RNA-seq) were used to explore transcriptomic responses of steady state M. album BG8 cultures to short-term CH4 and O2 limitation. These limitations induced regulation of genes involved in central carbon metabolism (including carbon storage), cell motility, and stress response.
Project description:Aerobic methanotrophic bacteria use methane as their sole source of carbon and energy and serve as a major sink for the potent greenhouse gas methane in freshwater ecosystems. Despite this important environmental role, little is known about the molecular details of how these organisms interact in the environment. Many bacterial species use quorum sensing systems to regulate gene expression in a density-dependent manner. We have identified a quorum sensing system in the genome of Methylobacter tundripaludum, a dominant methane-oxidizer in methane enrichments of sediment from Lake Washington (Seattle, WA, USA). We determined that M. tundripaludum primarily produces N-3-hydroxydecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (3-OH-C10-HSL) and that production is governed by a positive feedback loop. We then further characterized this system by determining which genes are regulated by quorum sensing in this methane-oxidizer using RNA-seq, and discovered this system regulates the expression of a novel nonribosomal peptide synthetase biosynthetic gene cluster. These results identify and characterize a mode of cellular communication in an aerobic methane-oxidizing bacterium.
Project description:RNA-Seq profiling of Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum strain 20Z grown in batch on methane. The RNA-Seq work is one part of a systems approach to characterizing metabolism of 20Z during growth on methane. We demonstrate that methane assimilation is coupled with a highly efficient pyrophosphate-mediated glycolytic pathway, which under O2 limitation participates in a novel form of fermentation-based methanotrophy. This surprising discovery suggests a novel mode of methane utilization in oxygen-limited environments, and opens new opportunities for a modular approach towards producing a variety of excreted chemical products using methane as a feedstock.
Project description:Here, we applied a microarray-based metagenomics technology termed GeoChip 5.0 to investigate spring microbial functional genes in mesocosm-simulated shallow lake ecosystems having been undergoing nutrient enrichment and warming for nine years.
Project description:RNA-Seq profiling of Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum strain 20Z grown in batch on methane. The RNA-Seq work is one part of a systems approach to characterizing metabolism of 20Z during growth on methane. We demonstrate that methane assimilation is coupled with a highly efficient pyrophosphate-mediated glycolytic pathway, which under O2 limitation participates in a novel form of fermentation-based methanotrophy. This surprising discovery suggests a novel mode of methane utilization in oxygen-limited environments, and opens new opportunities for a modular approach towards producing a variety of excreted chemical products using methane as a feedstock. Four replicates of batch growth
Project description:Aerobic methanotrophic bacteria use methane as their sole source of carbon and energy and serve as a major sink for the potent greenhouse gas methane in freshwater ecosystems. Despite this important environmental role, little is known about the molecular details of how these organisms interact in the environment. Many bacterial species use quorum sensing systems to regulate gene expression in a density-dependent manner. We have identified a quorum sensing system in the genome of Methylobacter tundripaludum, a dominant methane-oxidizer in methane enrichments of sediment from Lake Washington (Seattle, WA, USA). We determined that M. tundripaludum primarily produces N-3-hydroxydecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (3-OH-CÂ10-HSL) and that production is governed by a positive feedback loop. We then further characterized this system by determining which genes are regulated by quorum sensing in this methane-oxidizer using RNA-seq, and discovered this system regulates the expression of a novel nonribosomal peptide synthetase biosynthetic gene cluster. These results identify and characterize a mode of cellular communication in an aerobic methane-oxidizing bacterium. Samples are 2 sets of biological replicates of a Methylobacter tundripaludum strain 21/22 mutant where the acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) synthase gene mbaI (T451DRAFT_0796) has been deleted. The mutant strain was grown to log (48 hours) or stationary (68 hours) phase in the absence or presence of the AHL 3-OH-C10-HSL.
Project description:Our goal is to convert methane efficiently into liquid fuels that may be more readily transported. Since aerobic oxidation of methane is less efficient, we focused on anaerobic processes to capture methane, which are accomplished by anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) in consortia. However, no pure culture capable of oxidizing and growing on methane anaerobically has been isolated. In this study, Methanosarcina acetivorans, an archaeal methanogen, was metabolically engineered to take up methane, rather than to generate it. To capture methane, we cloned the DNA coding for the enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr) from an unculturable archaeal organism from a Black Sea mat into M. acetivorans to effectively run methanogenesis in reverse. The engineered strain produces primarily acetate, and our results demonstrate that pure cultures can grow anaerobically on methane.
Project description:Sequencing the metatranscriptome can provide information about the response of organisms to varying environmental conditions. We present a methodology for obtaining random whole-community mRNA from a complex microbial assemblage using Pyrosequencing. The metatranscriptome had, with minimum contamination by ribosomal RNA, significant coverage of abundant transcripts, and included significantly more potentially novel proteins than in the metagenome. Keywords: metatranscriptome, mesocosm, ocean acidification