Project description:The transcriptional profiles of human acute leukemias frequently parallel those of normal hematopoietic precursors, and provide insight into mechanisms of oncogenesis in these leukemias. We extracted RNA from six phenotypically defined T-lymphoid progenitor groups that were isolated from a series of human thymi, and compared gene expression patterns with different subgroups of primary human acute leukemias.
Project description:Herpesviruses, including the roseoloviruses, have been linked to autoimmune disease. The ubiquitous and chronic nature of these infections as well as the temporal dissociation between acute infection and autoimmune disease onset have made establishing a causal association challenging. We have shown that murine roseolovirus (MRV), which is highly related to human roseoloviruses, induces thymic atrophy and disruption of central tolerance after neonatal infection. Moreover, neonatal MRV infection results in development of autoimmunity in adult mice, long after resolution of acute infection. This suggests that MRV induces durable immune dysregulation. In these studies, we utilized single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) to study the tropism of MRV in the thymus and determine cellular processes in the thymus that were disrupted by neonatal MRV infection. We then utilized tropism data to establish a cell culture system. Herein, we describe how MRV alters the thymic transcriptome during acute neonatal infection.We found that MRV infection results in major shifts in inflammatory, differentiation and cell cycle pathways in the infected thymus. We also observed shifts in the relative number of specific cell populations. Moreover, utilizing expression of late viral transcripts as a proxy of viral replication we identified the cellular tropism of MRV in the thymus. This approach demonstrated that double negative, double positive, and CD4 single positive thymocytes, as well as medullary thymic epithelial cells were infected by MRV in vivo. Finally, by applying pseudotime analysis to viral transcripts, which we refer to as "pseudokinetics," we identified viral gene transcription patterns associated with specific cell types and infection status. We applied this information to establish the first cell culture systems susceptible to MRV infection in vitro. Our research provides the first complete picture of MRV tropism in the thymus after neonatal infection. Additionally, we identified major transcriptomic alterations in cell populations in the thymus during acute neonatal MRV infection. These studies offer important insight into the early events that occur after neonatal MRV infection that disrupt central tolerance and promote autoimmune disease
Project description:Purpose: In all vertebrates, the thymus is necessary and sufficient for production of classic adaptive T cells. The key components of the thymus are cortical and medullary thymic epithelial cells (cTECs and mTECs). Despite the capital role of TECs, our understanding of TEC biology is quite rudimentary. For instance, we ignore what might be the extent of divergence in the functional program of these two TECs populations. It also remains unclear why the number of TECs decreases rapidly with age, thereby leading to progressive thymic insufficiency. Methods: Systems level understanding of cell function begins with gene expression profiling, and the transcriptome is currently the only '-ome' that can be reliably tackled in its entirety in freshly harvested primary cells. In order to gain novel insights into TEC biology, we therefore decided to analyse the whole transcriptome of cTECs, mTECs and skin epithelial cells. We elected to analyse gene expression using RNA-seq rather microarrays because RNA-seq has higher sensitivity and dynamic range coupled to lower technical variations. Results: Our deep sequencing approach provides a unique perspective into the transcriptome of TECs. Consistent with their ability to express ectopic genes, we found that mTECs expressed more genes than other cell populations. Out of a total of 15,069 genes expressed in TECs, 25% were differentially expressed by at least 5-fold in cTECs vs. mTECs. Genes expressed at higher levels in cTECs than mTECs regulate numerous cell functions including cell differentiation, cell movement and microtubule dynamics. Almost all positive regulators of the cell cycle were overexpressed in skin ECs relative to TECs. Conclusions: Our RNA-seq data provide novel insights into the transcriptional landscape of TECs, highlight substantial divergences in the transcriptome of TEC subsets and suggest that cell cycle progression is differentially regulated in TECS and skinECs. We believe that our work will therefore represent a valuable resource and will be of great interest to readers working in biological sciences, particularly in the areas of immunology and systems biology. The mRNA profiles of cTEC, mTEC (from 14 thymi of 7-days old C57BL/6 mice) and skinEC (from the trunk and dorsum of seven newborn mice) were generated by RNA-sequencing using Illumina HiSeq2000.
Project description:To find genes deregulated in the pathogenisis of T-cells in Atm deficient mice, we performed expression profiling of Atm deficient thymic lymphomas, wildtype thymi and Atm deficient thymi without macroscopic enlargement, representing an intermediate stage in the process of tumorigenisis. Keywords: genetic modification, disease state analysis
Project description:The thymus is the site of T lymphocyte development and T cell education to recognize foreign, but not self, antigens. B cells also reside and develop in the thymus, although their function(s) are less clear. During ‘thymic involution,’ a process of lymphoid atrophy and adipose replacement linked to sexual maturation, thymic cells decline. However, thymic B cells decrease far less than T cells, such that B cells comprise ~1% of neonatal thymocytes, but up to ~10% in adulthood in humans. All jawed vertebrates possess a thymus, and we and others have shown that zebrafish (Danio rerio) also have thymic B cells. Here, we investigated the precise identities of zebrafish thymic T and B cells and how they change with involution. We assessed the timing and specific details of zebrafish thymic involution using multiple lymphocyte-specific, fluorophore-labeled transgenic lines, quantifying changes in thymic lymphocytes pre- vs. post-involution. Our results prove that, as in humans, zebrafish thymic B cells increase relative to T cells post-involution. We also performed RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) on D. rerio thymic and marrow lymphocytes of four novel double-transgenic lines, identifying distinct populations of immature T and B cells. Collectively, this is the first comprehensive analysis of zebrafish thymic involution, demonstrating its similarity to human involution, and establishing the highly genetically-manipulatable zebrafish model as a template for involution studies.
Project description:Thymic lymphomas develop spontaneously in LN3 mice. As for T-ALL in general, ex vivo LN3 lymphoma cells require stromal support to remain viable in culture. We found that primary stromal cells from thymic lymphomas, but not from wild-type thymi, support ex vivo lymphoma survival. By FACS sorting stromal populations, we identified dendritic cells in the tumor microenvironment as the cells capable of supporting lymphoma survival. We used microarrays to analyze the gene expression profiles of T-ALL cells and tumor-associated versus wild-type thymic dendritic cell subsets.
Project description:The thymic microenvironment is essential for proper differentiation and selection of thymocytes.Thymic involution in aged mice results in decreased T cell output and immune function. Here we use gene expression profiling of FACS sorted thymic stromal subsets to identify molecular mediators of thymocyte: stromal cell interactions, as well as gene expression changes thymic stromal subsets during early stages of thymic involution . We used microarrays to analyze gene expression differences between thymic stromal subsets from male C57BL/6J mice 1, 3, and 6 months of age. Thymic stromal subsets (cTEC, mTEClo, mTEChi, Sirpa-DC, Sirpa+DC, and fibroblasts) were isolated from two 1-, 3-, and 6- month old male C57BL/6J mice. After enzymatic digestion of the thymi, the stromal cells were FACS purified, and RNA was extracted, amplified, labeled and hybridized to Affymetrix mouse 430 2.0 arraysarrays. Raw data were uploaded to Gene Expression Commons for normalization. Both raw CEL and normalized datasets from the 36 samples are included. A model within Gene Expression Commons has been created for analyses/comparisons of these datasets, along with previously reported thymocyte subset datasets. The model within Gene Expression Commons thus contains 6 thymic stromal populations, each from mice 1, 3, and 6 months of age, with duplicates for each datset.
Project description:This study set out to assay the (polyA+) transcriptomes of specific FACS sorted populations of mouse thymic epithelial cells (TEC). Two biological replicates of each of seven murine TEC populations were FACS sorted and sequenced.