Project description:To identify molecular characteristics of young and aged lungs post-influenza infection, we isolated RNA from lungs 60 days post-infection and examined by bulk RNAseq. We found a large number of genes remain upregulated in aged compared to young lungs. Comparison with expression of immune system-related genes from Nanostring expriments indicated this was largely infection-induced rather than baseline differences between age. This indicates that aged lungs fail to return to homeostasis following a viral respiratory infection
Project description:Hippocampal tissues from young and middle-aged C57BL/6J mice were harvested at 4-hour intervals over two days and processed for proteomic analysis using label-free quantification.
Project description:To study the protective effects of preoperative fasting against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, young-lean as well as aged overweight mice were subjected to three days of fasting or ad libitum food consumption, and gene expressions in kidneys of male mice were analyzed 19 samples (5 young control, 4 young fasted, 5 aged control, 5 aged fasted), each from individual mice
Project description:Muscle Stem Cells or satellite cells (SCs) are required for muscle regeneration. In resting muscles, SCs are kept in quiescence. After injury, SCs undergo rapid activation, proliferation and differentiation to repair damaged muscles. The transcriptome alteration during SC activation is well characterized. While transcriptome is not exactly represent proteome because of post-transcriptional regulations such as miRNA induced gene silencing. However, little is known about SC proteome. We obtained in vivo activated SCs (ASCs) from 3 days post injured muscles for high resolution mass spectrometry Bruker timsTOF Pro. Compared with QSC proteome,, we identified the pathways that are differentially expressed between them.
Project description:T cells change substantially with age and are involved in atherosclerosis. Aging is the strongest clinical risk factor for atherosclerosis so we profiled T cells in young and aged mice prior to atherosclerosis (healthy) and in young and aged atherosclerotic mice (diseased).