Project description:RNA Sequencing was performed on RNA extracted from human bone marrow B cells from NSG humanized mice that had been transplanted with human hematopoietic stem cells and then injected or not with the ATM inhibitor KU55933.
Project description:Comparative expression between hT-ALL cells isolated from NSG mouse thorax vertebrae (adipocyte poor) bone marrow and from tail vetretbrae (adipocyte rich) bone marrow We used microarrays to understand the global program of gene expression underlying hT-ALL behaviour in two different bone marrow sites
Project description:To determine what signalling pathways are affected by LILRB1 in MM cells, ARP-1 MM cell lines were transfected with lentivirus to knockdown LILRB1, injected to nsg mice, sorted from the bone marrow of NSG mice and sent for RNA-seq. Total RNAs of 2 x 10^6 CTR-KD ARP-1 cells or LILRB1-KD ARP-1 cells were extracted by RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). 5-10 µg RNA samples were sent to Cancer Genomics Center at The University of Texas (Houston, TX) for RNA-seq followed by data analysis. We use the RNA-seq data to determine differential expression of genes in CTR-KD ARP-1 cells and LILRB1-KD ARP-1 cells.
Project description:RATIONALE: Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to damage cancer cells. Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop cancer cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. Combining chemotherapy with bone marrow transplantation may allow the doctor to give higher doses of chemotherapy drugs and kill more tumor cells.
PURPOSE: Phase II trial to study the effectiveness of bone marrow transplantation in treating patients who have hematologic cancer.