Project description:For the first time in Lactococcus lactis, amino acid starvation response was characterized. The natural imposition of isoleucine starvation, by its consumption during growth, associated to transcript profiling, allowed defining exhaustively this stress stimulon. It consisted of a general induction of nitrogen metabolism (amino acid biosynthesis and transport, proteolytic system and proteases), a strong repression of genes encoding major physiological activities (translation, transcription, carbon metabolism, purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis and fatty acid metabolism) and the induction of unexpected cross responses to acid, osmotic and oxidative stresses. Keywords: stress response, time course Isoleucine starvation was imposed by the consumption of this amino acid during the growth of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 on ILV0.1 medium (CDM with ten-fold reduced concentrations of isoleucine, leucine and valine) and under controlled conditions (30 °C, pH 6.6, nitrogen atmosphere). Cell samples were harvested in exponential phase and after 30 min, 1.7 h and 3.5 h of isoleucine starvation. Total RNA was extracted from these samples and radiolabelled cDNA were prepared and hybridized on nylon arrays. 2053 amplicons specific of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 genes were spotted twice on the array. The 4 time-points were analyzed simultaneously and 3 independent repetitions were performed.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE23987: Transcriptomic profiles of six strains of Lactococcus lactis in ultrafiltration-cheese model GSE23990: Comparative genome hybridization profiles of six strains of Lactococcus lactis Refer to individual Series
Project description:Background Lactococcus lactis is recognised as a safe (GRAS) microorganism and has hence gained interest in numerous biotechnological approaches. As it is fastidious for several amino acids, optimization of processes which involve this organism requires a thorough understanding of its metabolic regulations during multisubstrate growth. Results Using glucose limited continuous cultivations, specific growth rate dependent metabolism of L. Lactis including utilization of amino acids was studied based on extracellular metabolome, global transcriptome and proteome analysis. A new growth medium was designed with reduced amino acid concentrations to increase precision of measurements of consumption of amino acids. Consumption patterns were calculated for all 20 amino acids and measured carbon balance showed good fit of the data at all growth rates studied. It was observed that metabolism of L. lactis became more efficient with rising specific growth rate in the range 0.10 – 0.60 h-1, indicated by 30% increase in biomass yield based on glucose consumption, 50% increase in efficiency of nitrogen use for biomass synthesis, and 40% reduction in energy spilling. The latter was realized by decrease in the overall product formation and higher efficiency of incorporation of amino acids into biomass. L. lactis global transcriptome and proteome profiles showed good correlation supporting the general idea of transcription level control of bacterial metabolism, but the data indicated that substrate transport systems together with lower part of glycolysis in L. lactis were presumably under allosteric control. Conclusions The current study demonstrates advantages of the usage of strictly controlled continuous cultivation methods combined with multi-omics approach for quantitative understanding of amino acid and energy metabolism of Lactococcus lactis which is a valuable new knowledge for development of balanced growth media, gene manipulations for desired product formation etc. Moreover, collected dataset is an excellent input for developing metabolic models.
Project description:Amino acid assimilation and metabolism are crucial for bacterial growth and survival and this is particularly obvious for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that are generally auxotroph for various amino acids. However, amino acid assimilation is poorly characterized and a complete description of the response during amino acid starvation is still lacking in LAB. In this context, the global response of the LAB model Lactococcus lactis was characterized during isoleucine starvation in batch culture. The stress was imposed by isoleucine natural consumption in an initially rich chemically defined medium. Dynamic analyses were performed both using transcriptomic and proteomic approaches. The response was found to occur gradually and could be divided into three major parts that were firstly deduced from transcriptomic analysis and generally corroborated by proteomic results: (i) a global repression of biogenic processes (transcription, translation, and carbon metabolism and transport), (ii) a specific response related to the limiting nutrient (numerous pathways belonging to carbon or nitrogen metabolism and leading to isoleucine supply were activated) and (iii) an additional response connected to oxidative stress (induction of aerobic metabolism, electron transport, thioredoxin metabolism and pyruvate dehydrogenase). The involvement of various regulatory mechanisms such as growth rate regulation, stringent response, CodY, GlnR, and CcpA regulations, was discussed on the basis of transcriptomic data comparisons. Above the full description of L. lactis isoleucine starvation response, this work additionally provided a complex but realistic outlook of the regulation network involved in isoleucine starvation. Such integrated and comparative approach will allow, by its implementation to other regulations and environmental conditions, the whole regulatory network of L. lactis or any other microorganism to be deciphered. Batch cultivation of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 were carried out on a chemically defined medium and under controlled conditions (30 °C, pH 6.6, nitrogen atmosphere). Cell samples were harvested at steady state. Total RNA was extracted from these samples and radiolabelled cDNA were prepared and hybridized on nylon arrays. 1948 amplicons specific of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 genes were spotted twice on the array. Samples corresponding to various growth rates were analyzed simultaneously and 3 independent repetitions were performed.
Project description:For the first time in Lactococcus lactis, amino acid starvation response was characterized. The natural imposition of isoleucine starvation, by its consumption during growth, associated to transcript profiling, allowed defining exhaustively this stress stimulon. It consisted of a general induction of nitrogen metabolism (amino acid biosynthesis and transport, proteolytic system and proteases), a strong repression of genes encoding major physiological activities (translation, transcription, carbon metabolism, purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis and fatty acid metabolism) and the induction of unexpected cross responses to acid, osmotic and oxidative stresses. Keywords: stress response, time course
Project description:This study aimed to investigate the effects of oral administration of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on gene expression in murine ileum. Two LAB strains, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis C59 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, were administered to mice for 2 weeks. Microarray analysis was performed using total RNA from upper and lower ileum to detail the gene expression of 3 groups; control, C59-administered and GG-administered. Gene expression of upper ileum was less affected by administered strains than that of lower ileum and the latter was strain-specifically affected.
Project description:Background Lactococcus lactis is recognised as a safe (GRAS) microorganism and has hence gained interest in numerous biotechnological approaches. As it is fastidious for several amino acids, optimization of processes which involve this organism requires a thorough understanding of its metabolic regulations during multisubstrate growth. Results Using glucose limited continuous cultivations, specific growth rate dependent metabolism of L. Lactis including utilization of amino acids was studied based on extracellular metabolome, global transcriptome and proteome analysis. A new growth medium was designed with reduced amino acid concentrations to increase precision of measurements of consumption of amino acids. Consumption patterns were calculated for all 20 amino acids and measured carbon balance showed good fit of the data at all growth rates studied. It was observed that metabolism of L. lactis became more efficient with rising specific growth rate in the range 0.10 – 0.60 h-1, indicated by 30% increase in biomass yield based on glucose consumption, 50% increase in efficiency of nitrogen use for biomass synthesis, and 40% reduction in energy spilling. The latter was realized by decrease in the overall product formation and higher efficiency of incorporation of amino acids into biomass. L. lactis global transcriptome and proteome profiles showed good correlation supporting the general idea of transcription level control of bacterial metabolism, but the data indicated that substrate transport systems together with lower part of glycolysis in L. lactis were presumably under allosteric control. Conclusions The current study demonstrates advantages of the usage of strictly controlled continuous cultivation methods combined with multi-omics approach for quantitative understanding of amino acid and energy metabolism of Lactococcus lactis which is a valuable new knowledge for development of balanced growth media, gene manipulations for desired product formation etc. Moreover, collected dataset is an excellent input for developing metabolic models. For microarray analysis, steady state chemostat culture of L. lactis IL1403 was used as reference (? = 0.10 1/h). Subsequent quasi steady state points from A-stat experiment at specific growth rates 0.52 ± 0.03; 0.42 ± 0.02; 0.29 ± 0.01 1/h in biological duplicates and 0.17 1/h were compared to the reference sample.
Project description:Experimental evolution is a powerful approach to study how ecological forces shape microbial genotypes and phenotypes, but to date strains were predominantly adapted to conditions specific to laboratory environments. The lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis naturally occurs on plants and in the dairy environment and it is generally believed, that dairy strains originate from the plant niche. Here we investigated the adaptive process from the plant to the dairy niche and show that during the experimental evolution of a L. lactis plant isolate in milk, several mutations are selected that affect amino acid metabolism and transport. Three independently evolved strains were characterized by whole genome re-sequencing, revealing 4 to 28 mutational changes in the individual strains. Two of the adapted strains showed clearly increased acidification rates and yields in milk, and contained three identical point mutations. Transcriptome profiling and extensive phenotyping of the wild-type plant isolate compared to the evolved mutants, and a "natural" dairy isolate confirmed that major physiological changes associated with improved performance in the dairy environment relate to nitrogen metabolism. The deletion of a putative transposable element led to a significant decrease of the mutation rate in two of the adapted strains. These results specify the adaptation of a L. lactis strain isolated from mung bean sprouts to growth in milk and they demonstrate that niche-specific adaptations found in environmental microbes can be reproduced by experimental evolution.
Project description:This study aimed to obtain Lactococcus lactis strains with high vitamin K2 content via a non-GM approach, i.e., adaptive laboratory evolution, and to characterize the evolved strains.
Project description:Oliveira2005 - Genome-scale metabolic network
of Lactococcus lactis (iAO358)
This model is described in the article:
Modeling Lactococcus lactis
using a genome-scale flux model.
Oliveira AP, Nielsen J, Förster
BMC Microbiol. 2005; 5: 39
BACKGROUND: Genome-scale flux models are useful tools to
represent and analyze microbial metabolism. In this work we
reconstructed the metabolic network of the lactic acid bacteria
Lactococcus lactis and developed a genome-scale flux model able
to simulate and analyze network capabilities and whole-cell
function under aerobic and anaerobic continuous cultures. Flux
balance analysis (FBA) and minimization of metabolic adjustment
(MOMA) were used as modeling frameworks. RESULTS: The metabolic
network was reconstructed using the annotated genome sequence
from L. lactis ssp. lactis IL1403 together with physiological
and biochemical information. The established network comprised
a total of 621 reactions and 509 metabolites, representing the
overall metabolism of L. lactis. Experimental data reported in
the literature was used to fit the model to phenotypic
observations. Regulatory constraints had to be included to
simulate certain metabolic features, such as the shift from
homo to heterolactic fermentation. A minimal medium for in
silico growth was identified, indicating the requirement of
four amino acids in addition to a sugar. Remarkably, de novo
biosynthesis of four other amino acids was observed even when
all amino acids were supplied, which is in good agreement with
experimental observations. Additionally, enhanced metabolic
engineering strategies for improved diacetyl producing strains
were designed. CONCLUSION: The L. lactis metabolic network can
now be used for a better understanding of lactococcal metabolic
capabilities and potential, for the design of enhanced
metabolic engineering strategies and for integration with other
types of 'omic' data, to assist in finding new information on
cellular organization and function.
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