Project description:Identification of microRNA targets in M. truncatula roots Degradome sequencing of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhiza M. truncatula roots
Project description:microRNAs (miRNAs) play vital roles in plants regulating a panoply of biological processes, such as development, hormone signaling, and the stress response, by inhibiting target genes at the post-transcriptional level. However, the roles of miRNAs in Betula luminifera remain elusive. To mine for B. luminifera miRNAs and targets, we used a deep sequencing approach to analyze the sRNAs and degradome sequencing of mixed samples, including roots, stems, and leaves. A total of 114 known miRNAs or miRNA*s from 44 families, and 24 novel miRNAs and 17 miRNA*s plus 15 plausible miRNA candidates were identified, of which 36 known miRNAs, 29 miRNA*s, and all novel miRNAs had precursor sequences. Additionally, 49 targets for 19 known miRNA families and seven miRNA*s, and seven targets for novel miRNAs were identified using a high-throughput degradome-sequencing approach. The conserved miRNA targets were mainly transcription factors, whereas the miRNA* targets were mainly protein-coding genes, with preferential propensity to functional enzymes. A Gene Ontology analysis showed that the predicted targets were classified into 62 biological processes, 20 cellular components, and 28 molecular functions, respectively. We found two different targets for 396a* and miR396c*, and the target changed when the miR156d precursor cleavage site was shifted toward the 5′-end by two nucleotides, indicating the diverse regulatory roles of MIRNA genes. Furthermore, three targets identified by degradome sequencing were validated further through 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The expression patterns of the randomly selected miRNAs varied among different tissues. miR164 expression was induced under nitrogen starvation, with tissue-specific expression patterns, and was negatively correlated with the NAC1 target gene in roots and leaves, but not in stems. This study is a transcriptome-based analysis of miRNAs and the degradome in a B. luminifera pre-model tree and provides useful information to explore the functions of miRNAs and their target genes in B. luminifera.
2019-04-08 | GSE80074 | GEO
Project description:Stems of three Paeonia species sequencing
Project description:Five degradome libraries were constructed from three different seed developmental stages. Separate degradome libraries were constructed for seed coat and cotyledons to identify the tissue specific miRNAs and their potential targets. Sequencing and analysis of degradome libraries gives identification of 183 different targets for 80 known soybean miRNAs. We found 30 cotyledon specific, 18 seed coat specific and 32 miRNAs found in both tissues irrespective of the developmental stages. One interesting observation is that we found more miRNA targets in late seed developmental stages than earlier stages. Additionally, we have validated four different auxin response factor genes as targets for gma-miR160 via RNA ligase mediated 5? rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RLM-5?RACE). GO analysis indicated the enrichment of miRNA target genes in seed development. Construction of degradome libraries using cotyledons and seed coats from 3 different developmental stages
Project description:Five degradome libraries were constructed from three different seed developmental stages. Separate degradome libraries were constructed for seed coat and cotyledons to identify the tissue specific miRNAs and their potential targets. Sequencing and analysis of degradome libraries gives identification of 183 different targets for 80 known soybean miRNAs. We found 30 cotyledon specific, 18 seed coat specific and 32 miRNAs found in both tissues irrespective of the developmental stages. One interesting observation is that we found more miRNA targets in late seed developmental stages than earlier stages. Additionally, we have validated four different auxin response factor genes as targets for gma-miR160 via RNA ligase mediated 5′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RLM-5′RACE). GO analysis indicated the enrichment of miRNA target genes in seed development.
Project description:In this study, C. gigantea miRNAs and their target genes were investigated by extracting RNA from young roots, tender stems, young leaves, and flower buds of C. gigantea to establish a small RNA (sRNA) library and a degradome library to further sequence. This study identified 194 known miRNAs belonging to 52 miRNA families and 23 novel miRNAs. Among the miRNA families, 158 miRNAs from 27 miRNA families were highly conserved and existed in a plurality of plants. In addition, 60 different targets for 30 known families and one target for novel miRNA were identified by high-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis in C. gigantea. Our analyses showed that conserved miRNAs have higher expression levels and more family members as well as more targets than other miRNAs. Meanwhile, these conserved miRNAs were found to be involved in auxin signal transduction, regulation of transcription, and other developmental processes in plants, which will help further understanding regulatory mechanisms of C. gigantea miRNAs.
Project description:In this study, in order to identify miRNA targets, a degradome library derived from anthers of the WT and GMS (Genetic Male Sterility) mutant representing three stages of development was constructed and sequenced, resulting in the generation of 24.6 million raw reads. After removal of low quality sequences and adapter sequences, 24.4 million clean reads were obtained and 98% were 20 or 21 nt in length as expected in that normally length distribution peak of degradome fragment is between 20 and 21 nt [Addo-Quaye C, Eshoo TW, Bartel DP, Axtell MJ: Endogenous siRNA and miRNA targets identified by sequencing of the Arabidopsis degradome. Curr Biol 2008, 18:758-762]. Identification of miRNA targets in the WT and GMS muant anthers. Anthers of the WT and GMS mutant representing three stages of development [the meiosis stage (WT: Mar-F-1; mutant: Mar-S-1) and tetrad stage (WT: Mar-F-2; mutant: Mar-S-2), together with the uninucleate microspore stage (WT: Mar-F-3; mutant: Mar-S-3) from the GMS M-bM-^@M-^XDong AM-bM-^@M-^Y mutant and its fertile wild type] were collected during early mornings.