Project description:Hypocotyls of soybean (Glycine max) seedlings of cultivar Williams were inoculated with mycelia of the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora sojae grown in liquid V8 medium or the hypocotyls were mock inoculated. After 12 hours, the sites of inoculation were excised from the hypocotyls and frozen for RNA extraction. Phytophthora sojae mycelia used for inoculation was saved for RNA extraction also
Project description:This experiment contains Phytophthora sojae samples and RNA-seq data from experiment E-GEOD-29561 ( to understand gene expression during the P. sojae life cycle. The transcriptome of the oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora sojae was profiled at 5 different developmental stages: mycelia (MY), zoosporangia (SP), zoospores (ZO), cysts (CY) and germinating cysts (GC); based on a 3'-tag digital gene expression (DGE) protocol. More than 90 million clean sequence tags were generated and compared to the P. sojae genome and its 19,027 predicted genes. A total of 14,969 genes were detected, of which 10,044 were deemed reliable because they mapped to unambiguous tags. A web-based server named the Phytophthora Transcriptional Database (PTD) has been established.
Project description:Total RNA extracted from Phytophthora sojae (strain P6497) and infected soybean hypocotyls (cultivar Harosoy) provided template for synthesis of cDNA probes used in the microarray hybridizations. Infected plant hypocotyls were sampled 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h after inoculation. Mycelia were grown on synthetic media (H&S) or vegetable juice media (V8). Zoospores were sampled at 0 h, 2 h and 6 h after inducing encystment and germination by agitation. We used microarrays to characterize gene expression patterns in the root rot pathogen Phytophthora sojae and its host Glycine max. Keywords: infection time course, zoospore germination time course, media formulation response
Project description:Total RNA extracted from Phytophthora sojae (strain P6497) and infected soybean hypocotyls (cultivar Harosoy) provided template for synthesis of cDNA probes used in the microarray hybridizations. Infected plant hypocotyls were sampled 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h after inoculation. Mycelia were grown on synthetic media (H&S) or vegetable juice media (V8). Zoospores were sampled at 0 h, 2 h and 6 h after inducing encystment and germination by agitation. We used microarrays to characterize gene expression patterns in the root rot pathogen Phytophthora sojae and its host Glycine max. Keywords: infection time course, zoospore germination time course, media formulation response 28 samples from 9 treatments; 2 to 5 biological replicates per treatment.
Project description:The transcriptome of the oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora sojae was profiled at 10 different developmental and infection stages based on a 3'-tag digital gene expression (DGE) protocol. More than 90 million clean sequence tags were generated and compared to the P. sojae genome and its 19,027 predicted genes. A total of 14,969 genes were detected, of which 10,044 were deemed reliable because they mapped to unambiguous tags. A comparison of the whole-library genes expression patterns suggested four groups: 1) mycelia and zoosporangia (MY and SP); 2) zoospores and cysts (ZO and CY); 3) germinating cysts (GC); 4) five infection site libraries (IF1.5 to IF24h). The libraries from the different groups showed major transitional shifts in gene expression. From the ten libraries, 722 gene expression pattern clusters were obtained and the top 16 ones, containing more than half of the genes, comprised enriched genes with different functions including protein localization, triphosphate metabolism, signaling process, and non-coding RNA metabolism. An evaluation of the average expression level of 30 pathogenesis related gene families revealed that most were infection induced, but with diverse expression patterns and levels. A web-based server named the Phytophthora Transcriptional Database (PTD) has been established. The five axenically grown stages were mycelia (MY), zoosporangia (SP), zoospores (ZO), cysts (CY), and germinating cysts (GC). The five infection stages, 1.5, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after inoculation onto susceptible soybean leaf tissues (IF1.5h to IF24h).
Project description:Deep sequencing of small RNAs from three Phytophthora species, P. infestans, P. ramorum and P. sojae, was done to systematically analyze small RNA-generating components of Phytophthora genomes. We found that each species produces two distinct small RNA populations that are predominantly 21- or 25-nucleotides long. We present evidence that 25-nucleotide small RNAs are short-interfering RNAs that silence repetitive genetic elements. In contrast, 21-nucleotide small RNAs are associated with inverted repeats, including a novel microRNA family, and may function at the post-transcriptional level. Phytophthora sojae mycelium small RNAs were sequenced and aligned to the P. sojae genome for analysis. *Raw data files (fastq) are unavailable for this study.
Project description:We report the H3K27me3 profile on Avr1b locus in two Phytophthora sojae strains P6497 and pssu(z)12 mutant. Nuclei of Phytophthora sojae P6497 and pssu(z)12 mutant T34 (lost 561bp by CRISPR/Cas9) mycelium (3-days old) was extracted and digested to 200-400bp using micrococcal nuclease (MNase: NEB M0247S). The antibody Millipore 07-449 was used to immunoprecipitation. We find significant accumulation of H3K27me3 at Avr1b locus in Avr1b silencing strain P6497 and clear H3K27me3 depletion at Avr1b locus in Avr1b unsilenced strain pssu(z)12 mutant T34.
Project description:The transcriptome of the oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora sojae was profiled at 10 different developmental and infection stages based on a 3'-tag digital gene expression (DGE) protocol. More than 90 million clean sequence tags were generated and compared to the P. sojae genome and its 19,027 predicted genes. A total of 14,969 genes were detected, of which 10,044 were deemed reliable because they mapped to unambiguous tags. A comparison of the whole-library genes expression patterns suggested four groups: 1) mycelia and zoosporangia (MY and SP); 2) zoospores and cysts (ZO and CY); 3) germinating cysts (GC); 4) five infection site libraries (IF1.5 to IF24h). The libraries from the different groups showed major transitional shifts in gene expression. From the ten libraries, 722 gene expression pattern clusters were obtained and the top 16 ones, containing more than half of the genes, comprised enriched genes with different functions including protein localization, triphosphate metabolism, signaling process, and non-coding RNA metabolism. An evaluation of the average expression level of 30 pathogenesis related gene families revealed that most were infection induced, but with diverse expression patterns and levels. A web-based server named the Phytophthora Transcriptional Database (PTD) has been established.
Project description:Purpose and methods:Transcriptome profiling of Phytophthora sojae P6497 mycelium (3-days old) and Phytophthora infestans T30-4 mycelium (6-days old) were generated to find out the relationship between 6mA methylation and gene expression. RNA-seq data was mapped using Tophat2, and gene expression data was generated by Cufflinks. Transcriptome profiling of P. sojae psdamt3 mutant T9 (lost 374bp by CRISPR/Cas9) was generated to check the differential expressed genes (DEGs) between the mutant and wild-type P. sojae P6497. Read counts was calculated using featureCounts, and DEGs was calculated using DEseq2 with |log2FC|≥1, y-axis is FDR<0.05. Conclusions: 6mA is associated with lowly expressed genes. Examination of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in psdamt3 uncovers a total of 3156 genes, with 1544 genes up-regulated and 1622 genes down-regulated.
Project description:We report the 6mA methylation profiling in two Phytophthora species and one psdamt3 mutant. Genomic DNA of Phytophthora sojae P6497 mycelium (3-days old), Phytophthora infestans T30-4 mycelium and psdamt3 mutant T9 (lost 374bp by CRISPR/Cas9) was extracted and sonicated to 200-400bp using Biorupter UCD-600. The antibody sysy 202003 was used to immunoprecipitation. We find that 6mA is associated with lowly expressed genes in two Phytophthora species. 6mA methylome is preferentially associated with TEs, the genes and intergenic regions that form the gene-sparse compartments of Phytophthora genomes. In the psdamt3 mutant, 6mA level reduced in TEs and illustrates the uneven reduction pattern around the TSS.