Project description:The intent of the experiment was to infer, from tissue-specific PCR-free whole DNA sequencing analysis, the putative increase in DNA copy number of active LTR retrotransposons in shoot apical meristems of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). For this, we performed two lanes of Illumina pair-end DNA-seq in meristems and leaves of M82 tomato line.
Project description:DNA methylation confers epigenetic regulation on gene expression and thereby on various biological processes. Tomato has emerged as an excellent system to study the function of DNA methylation in plant development. In contrast to recent discoveries that DNA demethylation is critical for tomato fruit ripening, regulation and function of DNA methylation maintenance remains unclear in tomato plants. Here we report the critical function of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Methyltransferase 1 (SlMET1) in plant development and DNA methylome and transcriptome regulation. Using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, we generated slmet1 mutants and discovered that SlMET1 is required for normal development of flowers and seeds in tomato. Mutations in SlMET1 caused CG hypomethylation and CHH hypermethylation on a whole-genome scale, leading to a disturbed transcriptome including defects in the expression of key genes involved in meristem formation, seed development and fruit ripening. Consistently, the slmet1 mutants showed impaired flower production, elevated lycopene levels in fruits, and pathenocarpic fruits. In the slmet1 mutants, hypomethylated CG and hypermethylated CHH cytosines are preferentially located in genes and transposable elements (TEs), respectively. Neither the CG hypomethylation nor CHH hypermethylation in the slmet1 mutants is related to tissue culture-induced non-CG hypomethylation, which prefers genes over TEs and is more stable in the former regions than the latter during subsequent inbreeding. Our results depict SlMET1- and tissue culture-dependent tomato DNA methylomes, and that SlMET1 is required for normal development of flowers and seeds, thereby highlighting a role of DNA methylation in determining the yield of normal tomato fruits.
Project description:Summary: Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain 14028s transcriptome response to tomato medium (TM) and tomato root exudates (TX) compared to minimal medium (MM). Purpose: Salmonella mRNA profile, when grown in different media was compared to minimal medium to reveal environment specific transcriptional changes. Methods: mRNA profiles were generated using Illumina HiSeq in triplicates. The sequences were analysed using Bowtie2 followed by Cufflinks.
Project description:Gene-to-gene coexpression analysis is a powerful approach to infer function of uncharacterized genes. To perform non-targeted coexpression analysis of tomato genes, we collected a developmental gene expression dataset using various tissues of tomato plant. Expression data are collected from 24 different tissue types including root, hypocotyl, cotyledon, leaf at different stages, and fruit tissues at 4 different ripening stages from 4 different Solanum lycopersicum cultivars. Fruits were separated to the flesh and the peel. These two tissue types indeed showed remarkably different gene expression profiles. We also collected data from 4 different ripening stages (mature green, yellow, orange, and red) to detail the changes during ripening. By using this gene expression dataset, we calculated pair-wise Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and performed network-based coexpression analysis. The analysis generated a number of coexpression modules, some of which showed an enrichment of genes associated with specific functional categories. This result will be useful in inferring functions of uncharacterized tomato genes, and in prioritizing genes for further experimental analysis. We used Affymetrix GeneChip Tomato genome Arrays to detail the global gene expression change using 24 different tomato tissue types (67 hybridizations).
2010-02-01 | GSE19326 | GEO
Project description:Hop tissue specific transcriptome analysis
Project description:MicroRNAs are crucial regulator of reprogramming of gene expression cascade during plant-pathogen interaction. We have used tomato (Pusa Ruby) plant and early blight pathogen, Alternaria for the analysis of tomato miRNA expression profiles in a compatible interaction. Illumina next generation sequencing (NGS) technique based whole transcriptome analysis revealed that, (i) about 188 known miRNAs, ranging from 18nt to 24nt expressed in tomato, which belonged to 124 miRNA families and (ii) both conserved and Solanaceae specific miRNAs were differentially expressed. Most of the miRNAs were down-regulated, and around 7 miRNAs were highly differentially regulated (log2FC ≥ ±3). Furthermore, using stringent selection criteria we could detect approximately 74 putative novel miRNAs. GO terms enrichment and KEGG pathway analyses of predicted targets of differentially expressed miRNAs have been performed to identify the pathways that were perturbed during the infection. Supported by DBT, Govt. of India.
Project description:The environmental conditions greatly influence tomato fruit quality, by affecting the expression of genes, the abundance of metabolites and the perception of sensorial attributes.In this study, a fruit transcriptome investigation, together with a sensory test and a metabolomic analysis were per-formed to evaluate the impact of the environment on two popular tomato cultivars grown in two Italian regions. The transcriptional profile of each cultivar, cultivated in two different areas high-lighted differential expression in genes involved in pathways related to cell wall components such as pectin, lignin and hemicellulose, sugars as well as in amino acids, phenylpropanoids, and pigment synthesis. The cultivation area mainly affects sensory attributes related to texture and flavor and the metabolic pattern of cell wall precursors, sugars, glutamate, aspartate and carotenoids. In the two genotypes cultivated in the same environment, some attributes and fruit-related quality processes are similarly affected, while others are differently influenced based on tomato specific genetic makeup. Combination of transcriptomic, sensory and metabolomic data obtained from the two tomato genotypes revealed that the environment has a profound effect on specific sensory traits, providing information on factors that shape the specific characteristics and genetic targets for im-proving tomato fruit characteristics.
Project description:Male reproductive tissues are more sensitive to heat stress compared to vegetative tissues, however the basis of this phenomenon is poorly understood. Heat stress transcription factors (Hsfs) regulate the transcriptional changes required for protection and recovery from heat stress. HsfA2 has been characterized as co-activator of HsfA1a in tomato and is considered as one of the major Hsfs accumulating in response to elevated temperatures. The role of HsfA2 in heat stress response of different tissues was examined by exploring the composition and structure of the tissue-specific regulatory networks in transgenic tomato plants with suppressed HsfA2 expression (A2AS). Transcriptome analysis revealed that HsfA2 acts in condition- and tissue-specific manner and that only a subset of heat stress induced genes require HsfA2 for higher expression. Remarkably, although HsfA2 is not essential for thermotolerance in seedlings and flowering plants, it is required for maintenance pollen viability under stress conditions. We show that the activation of Hsf networks is important for the developmentally regulated priming of heat stress response occurring at early stages of anther and pollen development. Thereby, HsfA2 is involved in pollen thermotolerance by directly regulating heat stress responsive genes but also by stimulating the synthesis of molecular chaperones under non-stress conditions. 8 samples