Project description:We employed a proteogenomics workflow to identify microproteins encoded by small Open Reading Frames (ORFs) in the genome of Mycobacterium smegmatis strain mc²155.
Project description:Related surrogate species are often used to study the molecular basis of pathogenicity of a pathogen on the basis of a shared set of biological features generally attributable to a shared core genome consisting of orthologous genes. An important and understudied aspect, however, is the extent to which regulatory features affecting the expression of such shared genes are present in both species. Here we report on an analysis of whole transcriptome maps for an important member of the TB complex Mycobacterium bovis and a closely related model organism for studying mycobacterial pathogenicity Mycobacterium marinum.
Project description:Related surrogate species are often used to study the molecular basis of pathogenicity of a pathogen on the basis of a shared set of biological features generally attributable to a shared core genome consisting of orthologous genes. An important and understudied aspect, however, is the extent to which regulatory features affecting the expression of such shared genes are present in both species. Here we report on an analysis of whole transcriptome maps for an important member of the TB complex Mycobacterium bovis and a closely related model organism for studying mycobacterial pathogenicity Mycobacterium marinum. Predict transcription start site
Project description:We report the application of RNA-seq technology for high-throughput profiling of gene transcription in RAW264.7 infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra. By obtaining over six billion bases of sequence from mRNA, we generated genome-wide gene transcription maps of RAW264.7 infected with CdhM-related Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra. We find that numerous genes involved in ER stress are significantly affected by CdhM. This finding indicates that CdhM may induce ER stress during Mtb infection of host cells.
Project description:Mycobacterium marinum infection in zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been widely used to study human tuberculosis because the bacteria causing these two diseases are close relatives. We studied the zebrafish immune response to M. marinum infection through a whole-genome level transcriptome analysis. As expected based on the literature, our results showed the induction of genes coding proteins associated to immune signaling, cell migration and acute phase response indicating that the immune response to M. marinum infection in zebrafish is similar than the response to tuberculosis causing Mycobacterium tuberculosis in humans.