Project description:We collected five DMG, five GBM (including two secondary GBM), and one peritumor samples from eleven patients requiring surgical resection. To establish an atlas for spatially-resolved gene expression, we performed short-read spatial transcriptomic sequencing on the tissue sections using the 10x Visium platform.
Project description:DNA hypomethylation could lead to activation of alternate promoters in GBM. We profiled DNA methylation and H3K4me3 genome-wide, and also performed expression and copy number analysis on the same samples In this dataset, we include all array CGH copy number data obtained for five GBMs. We used estimated copy number to normalize sequencing-based methylation data.
Project description:DNA hypomethylation could lead to activation of alternate promoters in GBM. We profiled DNA methylation and H3K4me3 genome-wide, and also performed expression and copy number analysis on the same samples In this dataset, we include all array CGH copy number data obtained for five GBMs. We used estimated copy number to normalize sequencing-based methylation data. Five total samples were analyzed.
Project description:Background: A feature of glioblastoma (GBM) is the cellular and molecular heterogeneity, both within and between tumors. This variability results in a risk for sampling bias and potential tumor escape from future targeted therapy. Heterogeneous gene expression within GBM is well documented, but little is known regarding the epigenetic heterogeneity. We therefore aimed to profile the intra-tumor DNA methylation heterogeneity in GBM. Methods: 3-4 biopsies per tumor from spatially separated regions were collected from 12 GBM patients. We performed genome-wide DNA methylation analysis (~850,000 CpG sites) and compared inter- and intra-tumor variation. Results: All samples were classified as GBM IDH wt or IDH mutated by DNA methylation profiling, but the GBM subtype differed within five tumors. Some GBM samples exhibited higher DNA methylation differences within tumors than between, and many CpG sites (mean: 17,000) had different methylation levels within the tumors. Conclusions: We demonstrated that intra-tumor DNA methylation heterogeneity is a feature of GBM. Although all biopsies were classified as GBM IDH wt/mutated by DNA methylation analysis, the assigned subtype differed in samples from the same patient. The observed DNA methylation heterogeneity within tumors is important to consider for methylation-based biomarkers and future improvements in stratification of GBM patients.
Project description:DNA hypomethylation could lead to activation of alternate promoters in GBM. We profiled DNA methylation and H3K4me3 genome-wide, and also performed expression and copy number analysis on the same samples In this dataset, we include all expression data obtained for five GBMs and one normal brain. We identified loci with concurrent DNA hypomethylation and H3K4me3 in GBM, and analyzed expression of the nearest gene in the same sample using these data
Project description:Here, by mapping H3K27ac deposition, we analyze the active regulatory landscapes across primary GBM biopsies, normal brain tissues, and cell line counterparts. Analysis of differentially regulated enhancers, especially super-enhancers between GBM and normal brain tissues, as well as among GBM samples with matched RNA-sequencing data, uncovered unrecognized layers of oncogenic core transcriptional dependency and inter-tumor heterogeneity. Moreover, we demonstrate the functional relevance of leading candidates of super-enhancer-driven transcriptional factors, long non-coding RNAs, and druggable targets in GBM. Through profiling of transcriptional enhancers, our integrative study provides clinically relevant insights into GBM molecular classification, pathogenesis, and therapeutic innovations.
Project description:We constructed a genome wide target profile of hsa-miR-503, hsa-miR-103, and hsa-miR-494 by sequencing RNA isolated from Ago2 immunoprecipitations and total RNA samples following transfection of the respective miRNA in mature duplex form
Project description:DNA hypomethylation could lead to activation of alternate promoters in GBM. We profiled DNA methylation and H3K4me3 genome-wide, and also performed expression and copy number analysis on the same samples In this dataset, we include all expression data obtained for five GBMs and one normal brain. We identified loci with concurrent DNA hypomethylation and H3K4me3 in GBM, and analyzed expression of the nearest gene in the same sample using these data Six total samples were analyzed. Each GBM sample was compared to normal brain to obtain expression changes