Project description:Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as new players in the fine tuning of some reproductive functions in mammals via posttranscriptional gene regulation mechanisms. Importantly, miRNAs have been suggested to be an important regulators of various ovarian functions. Applying custom made multispecies arrays we aimed to analyze expression profile of miRNAs in corpus luteum to answer the question whether miRNAs can be involved in maintenance of luteal function during early pregnancy in pigs.
Project description:The corpus luteum plays a critical role in reproduction because it is the primary source of circulating progesterone. This study aimed to determine the in vitro effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) ligands on the transcriptome genes expression in the porcine corpus luteum in the mid- and late-luteal phase of the estrous cycle using RNA-seq technology. The corpus luteum slices were incubated in vitro in the presence of PPARγ agonist – pioglitazone and antagonist—T0070907. We identified 40 differentially expressed genes after pioglitazone treatment and 40 after T0070907 treatment in the mid-luteal phase as well as 26 after pioglitazone and 29 after T0070907 treatment in late-luteal phase of the estrous cycle. In addition, we detected differences in genes expression between the mid- and late-luteal phase without treatment (409). These results should become a basis for further studies explaining the mechanism of PPARγ action in the reproductive system in pigs.
Project description:To investigate the rapid effects of PGF2α on the corpus luteum we performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of controls and treatments at two time points with 4 biological replicates/group .
Project description:In order to indentify genes regulated by eCG, and involved in CL development and progesterone increases, the transcriptome was evaluated using the microarray technology Cows (Bos indicus) were divided into control, stimulated and superovulated groups. The stimulated group received 400 IU of eCG on day 8 and the superovulated group received 2000 IU of eCG on day 4 after the beginning of synchronization. Corpus luteum were collected at day 6 after ovulation e the trasncripitome was available by microarray.
Project description:Although rescue of the corpus luteum is required for pregnancy, luteal function during maternal recognition of pregnancy remains largely unexplored. CL were collected from pregnant cattle on days 14, 17, 20, and 23, to encompass the maternal recognition of pregnancy period. Nanostring technology was used to profile miRNA. A total of 27 miRNA changed. MiRNA that increased were predicted to inhibit phosphatidylinositol signaling, while those that decreased may be negative regulators of steroidogenesis. Overall, these data indicate that there are changes in the CL of pregnancy that are important for continued luteal function.
Project description:Lactation and associated metabolic stresses during the post-partum period have been shown to impair fertility in dairy cows. The oviduct plays key roles in embryo development and the establishment of pregnancy in cattle. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of lactation and location relative to the corpus luteum (CL) on the transcriptome of the bovine oviduct epithelium.
Project description:Luteolysis of the corpus luteum (CL) during non-fertile cycles involves a cessation of progesterone (P4) synthesis (functional regression) and subsequent structural remodeling. The molecular processes responsible for initiation of luteal regression in the primate CL are poorly defined. Therefore, a genomic approach was utilized to systematically identify differentially expressed genes in the rhesus macaque CL during spontaneous luteolysis. CL were collected prior to (days 10-11 post-LH surge, mid-late [ML] stage) or during (days 14-16, late stage) functional regression. Based on P4 levels, late stage CL were subdivided into functional late (FL, serum P4 > 1.5 ng/ml) and functionally-regressed late (FRL, serum P4 < 0.5 ng/ml) groups (n=4 CL/group). Total RNA was isolated, labeled and hybridized to Affymetrix genome microarrays that contain elements representing the entire rhesus macaque transcriptome. With the ML stage serving as the baseline, there were 681 differentially expressed transcripts (>2-fold change; p< 0.05) that could be categorized into three primary patterns of expression: 1) increasing from ML through FRL, 2) decreasing from ML through FRL, and 3) increasing ML to FL, followed by a decrease in FRL. Ontology analysis revealed potential mechanisms and pathways associated with functional and/or structural regression of the macaque CL. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to validate microarray expression patterns of 13 genes with the results being consistent between the two methodologies. Protein levels were found to parallel mRNA profiles in 4 of 5 differentially expressed genes analyzed by Western blot. Thus, this database will facilitate the identification of mechanisms involved in primate luteal regression. Keywords: time course plus functional state of corpus luteum