Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to compare endothelial small RNA transcriptome to identify the target of OASL under basal or stimulated conditions by utilizing miRNA-seq. Methods: Endothelial miRNA profilies of siCTL or siOASL transfected HUVECs were generated by illumina sequencing method, in duplicate. After sequencing, the raw sequence reads are filtered based on quality. The adapter sequences are also trimmed off the raw sequence reads. rRNA removed reads are sequentially aligned to reference genome (GRCh38) and miRNA prediction is performed by miRDeep2. Results: We identified known miRNA in species (miRDeep2) in the HUVECs transfected with siCTL or siOASL. The expression profile of mature miRNA is used to analyze differentially expressed miRNA(DE miRNA). Conclusions: Our study represents the first analysis of endothelial miRNA profiles affected by OASL knockdown with biologic replicates.
Project description:Purpose: In order to understand the functional significance of sperm transcriptome in stallion fertility, the aim of this study was to generate a detailed body of knowledge about the sperm RNA profile that defines a normal fertile stallion. Methods: The 50 bp single-end ABI SOLiD raw reads were directly aligned with the horse reference sequence EcuCab2 using ABI aligner software (NovoalignCS version 1.00.09, which uses multiple indexes in the reference genome, identifies candidate alignment locations for each primary read, and allows completion of the alignment. Results: Next generation sequencing (NGS) of total RNA from the sperm of two reproductively normal stallions generated about 70 million raw reads and more than 3 Gb of sequence per sample; over half of these aligned with the EcuCab2 reference genome. Altogether, 19,257 sequence tags with average coverage ?1 (normalized number of transcripts) were mapped in the horse genome. Conclusion: The sequence of stallion sperm transcriptome is an important foundation for the discovery of transcripts of known and novel genes, and non-coding RNAs, thus improving the annotation of the horse genome sequence draft and providing markers for evaluating stallion fertility. Reproductively fertile Stallion sperm transcriptome as revealed by RNA sequencing
Project description:Purpose: In order to understand the functional significance of sperm transcriptome in stallion fertility, the aim of this study was to generate a detailed body of knowledge about the sperm RNA profile that defines a normal fertile stallion. Methods: The 50 bp single-end ABI SOLiD raw reads were directly aligned with the horse reference sequence EcuCab2 using ABI aligner software (NovoalignCS version 1.00.09, which uses multiple indexes in the reference genome, identifies candidate alignment locations for each primary read, and allows completion of the alignment. Results: Next generation sequencing (NGS) of total RNA from the sperm of two reproductively normal stallions generated about 70 million raw reads and more than 3 Gb of sequence per sample; over half of these aligned with the EcuCab2 reference genome. Altogether, 19,257 sequence tags with average coverage ≥1 (normalized number of transcripts) were mapped in the horse genome. Conclusion: The sequence of stallion sperm transcriptome is an important foundation for the discovery of transcripts of known and novel genes, and non-coding RNAs, thus improving the annotation of the horse genome sequence draft and providing markers for evaluating stallion fertility.
Project description:A cDNA library was constructed by Novogene (CA, USA) using a Small RNA Sample Pre Kit, and Illumina sequencing was conducted according to company workflow, using 20 million reads. Raw data were filtered for quality as determined by reads with a quality score > 5, reads containing N < 10%, no 5' primer contaminants, and reads with a 3' primer and insert tag. The 3' primer sequence was trimmed and reads with a poly A/T/G/C were removed
Project description:Rhizophora mucronata Lam., a prevalent mangrove variety of Indo-Pacific region is reported to defy saline stress up to 40 ppt, but the genome or transcriptome behind this tolerance is yet to be investigated. As an initiative to create a reference sequence database, we have forged a set of 46,366,348 paired end RNA-Seq raw reads of Rhizophora mucronata Lam. leaf tissues from Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform (SRA study accession SRP093200 ; Bioproject accession PRJNA345155). All possible gene transcripts were then reconstructed from the RNA raw seq data and 93960 Trinity assembled, annotated transcripts that are being actively expressed at a given time is proposed (TSA accession GGEC00000000). To estimate gene transcript expression, we used Bowtie 2 programme and successfully aligned back up to 95.14% of the filtered reads to the assembled transcriptome. We allowed up to 1-mismatches in the seed region (length =31bp) and all multiple mapped position were reported. Of all filtered reads about 95.14% of reads from each sample were properly aligned back to the assembled transcriptome. Overall we found 52,153 unique transcripts which have expression >=1 FPKM.
Project description:Whole exome sequencing of 5 HCLc tumor-germline pairs. Genomic DNA from HCLc tumor cells and T-cells for germline was used. Whole exome enrichment was performed with either Agilent SureSelect (50Mb, samples S3G/T, S5G/T, S9G/T) or Roche Nimblegen (44.1Mb, samples S4G/T and S6G/T). The resulting exome libraries were sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq platform with paired-end 100bp reads to an average depth of 120-134x. Bam files were generated using NovoalignMPI (v3.0) to align the raw fastq files to the reference genome sequence (hg19) and picard tools (v1.34) to flag duplicate reads (optical or pcr), unmapped reads, reads mapping to more than one location, and reads failing vendor QC.
Project description:Purpose: The goals of this study are to use RNA-seq-derived JHH-7 cell transcriptome profiling for differentially expressed genes after PRMT5 knockdown. Methods: mRNA profiles of control and PRMT5 knockdown JHH-7 cells were generated by RNA-seq, using Illumina Novaseq 6000.The sequence reads that passed quality filters were analyzed at the transcript isoform level with TopHat2 or HISAT2. The gene expression quantification was performed using RSEM tool and generated raw count for all genes individually. qRT–PCR validation was performed using SYBR Green assays. Results: On average, we generated >200 million paired end reads for each sample, with more than 95% of the reads passed the QC.
Project description:Here, we performed deep transcriptome sequencing for the aerial-tissues and the roots of S. japonica, generating over 2 billion raw reads with an average length of 101 nt by using an Illumina paired-end sequencing by HiSeq2000 platform. Using a combined approach of three popular assemblers, de novo transcriptome assembly for S. japonica was obtained, yielding in 81,729 unigenes with an average length as 884bps and N50-value as 1,452bps, with 46,963 unigenes being annotated based on the sequence similarity against NCBI-nr protein database.
Project description:We use nucleosome maps obtained by high-throughput sequencing to study sequence specificity of intrinsic histone-DNA interactions. In contrast with previous approaches, we employ an analogy between a classical one-dimensional fluid of finite-size particles in an arbitrary external potential and arrays of DNA-bound histone octamers. We derive an analytical solution to infer free energies of nucleosome formation directly from nucleosome occupancies measured in high-throughput experiments. The sequence-specific part of free energies is then captured by fitting them to a sum of energies assigned to individual nucleotide motifs. We have developed hierarchical models of increasing complexity and spatial resolution, establishing that nucleosome occupancies can be explained by systematic differences in mono- and dinucleotide content between nucleosomal and linker DNA sequences, with periodic dinucleotide distributions and longer sequence motifs playing a secondary role. Furthermore, similar sequence signatures are exhibited by control experiments in which genomic DNA is either sonicated or digested with micrococcal nuclease in the absence of nucleosomes, making it possible that current predictions based on highthroughput nucleosome positioning maps are biased by experimental artifacts. Included are raw (eland) and mapped (wig) reads. The mapped reads are provided in eland and wiggle formats, and the raw reads are included in the eland file. This series includes only Mnase control data. The sonicated control is part of this already published accession, as is a in vitro nucleosome map: We also studied data (in vitro and in vivo maps as well as a model) from and from: