Project description:MicroRNA profiling was done using Taqman Low Density Arrays (TLDA) platform consisting of 667 microRNAs covering Sanger miRBase version10 cross 50 samples along with their adjacent normals consisting of different types (ER+ and ER-ve), grades (grade 2 and grade 3) with their different stages (I to III). The above isolated RNA which displayed good RIN value and linearity (R2>0.96), were used for reverse transcription (RT) reactions with the help of TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit followed by real time PCR Reactions (ABI 7900 HT) as per manufacturer's instructions.A pre -amplification step of cDNA with pre-amp megaplex pool primers was carried out to significantly enhance the ability to detect highly down regulated miRNAs. The TaqMan human microRNA arrays consists of two plates, pool A and pool B. RNU 46 and RNU 48 were used as endogenous controls for data normalization. Another control not related to human was also included as a negative control. Each TaqMan Assay was run in quadruplicate. RNU 46 and RNU 48 expression was consistent in all the samples and displayed good range of CT values (22–24 ) where as in ‘No Template’ Control (NTC) CT value was above 38. The average CT values of total profiled miRNAs in all samples were normalized with RNU 46 & RNU 48 using spotfire (statminer) software and fold changes were represented in terms of 2 - Δ Δ CT (RQ ) and log10RQ. Only valid and significant miRNAs were picked up for further analysis.
Project description:To gain insights into the mechanisms involved in breast cancer progression we conducted a microRNA global expression analysis on a 21T series of cell lines obtained from the same patient during different stages of breast cancer progression. These stages are represented by cell lines derived from normal epithelial (16N), atypical ductal hyperplasia (21PT), primary in situ ductal carcinoma (21NT) and pleural effusion of a lung metastasis (21MT-1 and 21MT-2). In a global microRNA expression analysis, miR-205 was the only miRNA to display an important downregulation in the metastatic cell lines (21MT-1; 21MT-2) when compared to the non-invasive cells (21PT and 21NT). The lower amounts of miR-205 found also correlated with high histological grades biopsies and with higher invasion rates in a Boyden chamber assay. This work pinpoints miR-205 as a potential player in breast tumor invasiveness. These experiments are conducted as 2 replicates.
Project description:The miRNAs expression profile of three different types of teeth include deciduous incisor (QY), deciduous canine (JY) , deciduous premolar (QMY) ,and deciduous molar (MY) in three typical stages of tooth development embryonic day 40 , 50, and 60, which cover the major morphological and physiological changes in pig tooth germ growth and development throughout pregnancy including the bud, cap, and bell stages.
Project description:Microarray analysis of microRNAs differences between MCF-7 and MCF-7/ADR cells.Sample 1- Human breast cancer cell MCF-7,which exibits ER and PR expression, belongs to non-triple negative breast cancer cell with epithelial morphology and character.Sample 2-human breast cancer cell MCF-7/ADR,derived from MCF-7 and cultured with 1 ug/ml adriamycin for at least one year and pocesses adriamycin-resistance with mesenchymal morphology and character. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of microRNA expression between two distinct classes of breast cancer cells.
Project description:Compared transccriptome of breast cancer in young women to those arising in two mature groups to characterize the underlying biological mechanisms of the breast cancer in Middle Eastern young women. Also, compared the gene expression profile characteristic of the sequential disease stages (ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)) of breast cancer to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of breast cancer progression in young women.
Project description:Total RNA was isolated from epithelial tissues of different grades and stages of human breast cancer samples using mirVana kit and RNA integrity number (RIN) was determined in Agilent Bioanalyzer (2100) to assess the suitability for microarray assays. Sixteen samples were individually analyzed using miRCURY™ LNA arrays version 11.0 (Exiqon, Denmark). The LNA array slides were scanned using Agilent G2565BA Microarray Scanner System (Agilent Technologies, Inc., USA) and image analysis was carried out using ImaGene 8.0 software (BioDiscovery, Inc., USA). The quantified signals were background corrected (Normexp with offset value 10 14 and normalized using global Lowess (Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing) regression algorithm.
Project description:The bidirectional communication between bovine oocytes and CCs is vital for functioning and development of both cell types. We used microarray to identify genes which are differentially expressed between germinal vesicle (GV)- and metaphase II (MII)-stage oocytes and CCs and those differentially expressed when oocytes mature with or without the other. We also identified genes differentially expressed between CCs at GV and MII stages. Slaughterhouse ovaries were collected and GV-stage cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were aspirated. Different stages and types of oocytes and CCs were used for total RNA isolation and hybridisation on Affymetrix microarray.
Project description:The miRNAs expression profile of three different types of teeth include deciduous incisor (QY), deciduous canine (JY) , deciduous premolar (QMY) ,and deciduous molar (MY) in three typical stages of tooth development embryonic day 40 , 50, and 60, which cover the major morphological and physiological changes in pig tooth germ growth and development throughout pregnancy including the bud, cap, and bell stages. twelve-condition experiment, QY40 vs.QY50 vs.QY60 vs. JY40 vs. JY50vs. JY60 vs.QMY40 vs.QMY50 vs.QMY60 vs.MY40.vs.MY50.vs.MY60. Biological replicates: 1 , independently removed under a microscope. Four replicate per array.
Project description:The bidirectional communication between bovine oocytes and CCs is vital for functioning and development of both cell types. We used microarray to identify genes which are differentially expressed between germinal vesicle (GV)- and metaphase II (MII)-stage oocytes and CCs and those differentially expressed when oocytes mature with or without the other. We also identified genes differentially expressed between CCs at GV and MII stages.