Project description:Single cell RNA- sequencing analysis was performed on CD45+ cells isolated from mammary glands of 10-week-old mice. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize macrophages in the normal mammary gland.
Project description:LH-overexpressing mice display elevated levels of mammogenic hormones and consequently develop spontaneous mammary tumors with a median latency of 41 weeks. Tumors occur in the absence of p53 mutations and in the presence of a seemingly functional p53 signaling pathway. At 16 weeks of age, no histological evidence of tumors is observed in these transgenic mammary glands; however, mammary cells do demonstrate centrosome amplification at this age suggesting that early tumorigenic processes may have occured. Thus comparison of the transcriptome of the mammary glands from 16 week old LH-overexpressing mice to that of wild type mice will provide insight into early events occuring in p53-independent hormone-induced tumorigenesis. Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:RON WT and RON KO at 5, 6, 7 week virgin mammary glands In the study, we demonstrated that RON regulates mammary gland branching morphogenesis in pubertal development associated with changes in gene expression. Keywords: Pubertal mammary glands
Project description:RON WT and RON KO at 5, 6, 7 week virgin mammary glands In the study, we demonstrated that RON regulates mammary gland branching morphogenesis in pubertal development associated with changes in gene expression. Keywords: Pubertal mammary glands In the study, we hybridized RNA from 5, 6, 7 week old virgin female RON WT and KO mammary glands to Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array
Project description:Epithelial cells were isolated by FACS from the mammary glands of pubescent (5 week old), estrus adult (10 week old) and diestrus adult (10 week old) female mice. Freshly sorted cells were submitted to a 10X Genomics Chromium System for single cell capture. cDNA synthesis and library preparation was done according to the protocol supplied by the manufacturer. Sequencing was carried out on an Illumina NextSeq500 sequencer using parameters recommended by 10X Genomics.
Project description:To identify genes that may facilitate early steps of ErbB2/Neu-mediated mammary tumorigenesis, we performed comparative microarray analysis of 5- and 10-week bitransgenic mammary glands (LHxMMTV-neu) in triplicate. Experiment Overall Design: We analyzed 3 pooled RNA samples that represented 3 animals for each time point so that a total of 9 bitransgenic mice were analyzed per time point.
Project description:Mammary glands were collected from 8 pubescent (4.7-4.9 week-old) female mice and 8 adult (10 week old) female mice. Freshly sorted epithelial cells were submitted to a Fluidigm C1 System machine for single cell capture and cDNA synthesis. Cells were visualized under the microscope to ensure integrity of the captured single cells prior to cDNA preparation. Libraries were prepared using the Nextera XT kit and sequencing was carried out on an Illumina NextSeq 500 to achieve paired-end 75 bp reads.
Project description:RNA was isolated from mammary glands from 55 day old control mice, mice overexpressing the miR-200b/200a/429 cluster in mammary epithelial cells (MTB-200ba429) mice overexpressing the IGF-IR transgene in mammary epithelial cells (MTB-IGFIR), and mice overexpressing both the miR-200b/200a/429 cluster and the IGF-IR transgene in mammary epithelial cells (MTB-IGFIRba429)
Project description:Epithelial cells were isolated by FACS from the mammary glands of adult (10 week old) female mice. A basal subpopulation of the epithelial cells was also isolated. Freshly sorted cells were submitted to a 10X Genomics Chromium System for single cell capture. cDNA synthesis and library preparation was done according to the protocol supplied by the manufacturer. Sequencing was carried out on an Illumina NextSeq500 sequencer to achieve 75 bp paired-end reads.
Project description:Investigation of whole-genome gene expression level changes in C57Bl6 Lrp5-/- mammary epithelial cells, compared to the wild-type strain. The mammary epithelial cells were isolated from numbers 4 and 5 mammary glands. The Lrp5-/- mouse strain described in this study has been further described in Lindvall C, Evans NC, Zylstra CR, Li Y, Alexander CM, Williams BO. 2006. The Wnt signaling receptor Lrp5 is required for mammary ductal stem cell activity and Wnt1-induced tumorigenesis. J Biol Chem. 2006 Nov 17;281(46):35081-7. Epub 2006 Sep 13. PMID: 16973609.