Project description:miRNA expression profiles of WI38 primary human fibroblasts with an active or inactive p53. Cells were compared under normal untreated conditions (young and proliferating cells), after DNA damage with Doxorubicin, and upon entry into replicative senescence. Keywords: miRNA, WI-38, p53, GSE56, Senescence, Doxorubicin, Cancer, DNA-damage, fibroblasts.
Project description:miRNA expression profiles of WI38 primary human fibroblasts with an active or inactive p53. Cells were compared under normal untreated conditions (young and proliferating cells), after DNA damage with Doxorubicin, and upon entry into replicative senescence. Keywords: miRNA, WI-38, p53, GSE56, Senescence, Doxorubicin, Cancer, DNA-damage, fibroblasts. 6 samples of WI38 cells were analyzed on 12 Exiqon miRcurry LNA arrays in biological duplicates (2 different cell culture plates for each experimental condition). The six conditions included: 1. [Con_Young] - Primary Young WI38 cells (passage 20) with a control retroviral vector (pLXSN-NEO). Untreated. 2. [GSE_Young] -Primary Young WI38 cells (passage 20) with a retroviral vector encoding for the p53-inactivating peptide GSE56 (pLXSN-NEO-GSE56).Untreated. 3. [Con_Dox] -Primary Young WI38 cells (passage 20) with a control retroviral vector (pLXSN-NEO). Treated with Doxorubicin (0.2 micrograms/ml) for 24 hours). 4. [GSE_Dox] Primary Young WI38 cells (passage 20) with a retroviral vector encoding for the p53-inactivating peptide GSE56 (pLXSN-NEO-GSE56). Treated with Doxorubicin (0.2 micrograms/ml) for 24 hours). 5. [Con_Old] - Sesescent WI38 cells (passage 30) with a control retroviral vector (pLXSN-NEO). Untreated. 6. [GSE_Old] - Senescent WI38 cells (passage 26) with a retroviral vector encoding for the p53-inactivating peptide GSE56 (pLXSN-NEO-GSE56).Untreated. RNA was extracted with TRI-Reagent and sent for labeling and hybridization in Exiqon laboratories (In Denamark). Samples were labeled with Cy5. Reference sample (Cy3) was an RNA mix of all samples. Log2 for Ratio(Cy5/Cy3) was used for further analysis.
Project description:Plasma membrane damage-dependent senescence is a novel senescence subtype. Here, we compare the time-resolved proteomic profiles of plasma membrane damage-dependent senescence, DNA damage-dependent senescence, and replicative senescence to find the major differences between the senescence subtypes.
Project description:We profiled the global gene expression of human primary fetal lung fibroblasts (HFL-1) at different stages while they were undergoing replicative senescence
Project description:Senescent cells secrete many molecules, which contribute to the prevention of cancer progression. We induced MSC senescence by oxidative stress, DNA damage, and replicative exhaustion. The first two are considered inducers of acute senescence while extensive proliferation triggers replicative senescence also named chronic senescence. We cultivated cancer cells in the presence of acute and chronic senescent MSC conditioned media and evaluated proliferation, DNA damage, apoptosis and senescence.
Project description:Kollarovic2016 - Cell fate decision at G1-S
This model is described in the article:
To senesce or not to
senesce: how primary human fibroblasts decide their cell fate
after DNA damage.
Kollarovic G, Studencka M, Ivanova
L, Lauenstein C, Heinze K, Lapytsko A, Talemi SR, Figueiredo AS,
Schaber J.
Aging (Albany NY) 2016 Jan;
Excessive DNA damage can induce an irreversible cell cycle
arrest, called senescence, which is generally perceived as an
important tumour-suppressor mechanism. However, it is unclear
how cells decide whether to senesce or not after DNA damage. By
combining experimental data with a parameterized mathematical
model we elucidate this cell fate decision at the G1-S
transition. Our model provides a quantitative and conceptually
new understanding of how human fibroblasts decide whether DNA
damage is beyond repair and senesce. Model and data imply that
the G1-S transition is regulated by a bistable hysteresis
switch with respect to Cdk2 activity, which in turn is
controlled by the Cdk2/p21 ratio rather than cyclin abundance.
We experimentally confirm the resulting predictions that to
induce senescence i) in healthy cells both high initial and
elevated background DNA damage are necessary and sufficient,
and ii) in already damaged cells much lower additional DNA
damage is sufficient. Our study provides a mechanistic
explanation of a) how noise in protein abundances allows cells
to overcome the G1-S arrest even with substantial DNA damage,
potentially leading to neoplasia, and b) how accumulating DNA
damage with age increasingly sensitizes cells for
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Project description:Here, through single-cell transcriptional profiling of genetically homogenous clonal cell lines, we analyzed subpopulations in all three major forms of senescence, namely Oncogene Induced Senescence (OIS), Replicative Senescence (RS), and DNA Damage Induced Senescence (DDIS).
Project description:To determine changes in gene expression in primary fibroblasts undergoing replicative senescence, a direct comparison between early passage proliferating cells and senescent cells was performed. Frozen stocks of the primary fibroblasts (HMF3) from which the lines HMF3A and HMF3Dwt were derived (O'Hare, PNAS:98, 2001) were serially passaged twice through to senescence to yield 2 independent sets of RNA. A third set of RNA was from a different female donor (F1068). The three different sets of RNA were put on 4 arrays each. Data is also provided for F1068 fibroblasts at late passage. Keywords = fibroblast Keywords = senescence Keywords = breast
Project description:Pathogenic mutations in lamin A/C (LMNA) lead to nuclear structural abnormalities, mesenchymal tissue damage, and laminopathies, which have numerous tissue-specific and progeria phenotypes. However, how LMNA mutations lead to accelerated mesenchymal-derived cell senescence remains unclear. Here, we established a replicative senescence model in vitro using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells (iMSCs) from patients with homozygous LMNA p.R527C mutation (LMNA R527C iMSCs). R527C iMSCs exhibited marked cell senescence and stemness potential attenuation, accompanied by immunophenotypic changes when expanded to passage 13 in vitro. Proteome analysis revealed that DNA replication, nuclear structure, and chromatin-related gene sets were the most significant changes in R527C iMSCs during replicative senescence, and pathways such as cell cycle, DNA replication, cell adhesion, and inflammation might play important roles in senescence.