Project description:We analyzed the impact of amoxicillin on the transcriptional profile of bone marrow mature neutrophils from infected mice withStreptococcus pneumoniae
Project description:More insights into the character differences between ChAT+ and ChAT- NK cells were obtained based on the gene-expression patterns. A clear delineation between ChAT+ NK cells and ChAT- NK cells was observed, with a total of 300 genes over-expressed and 941 genes under-expressed significantly in the ChAT+ subset. It will provide evidences for further investigation into their functional characters
Project description:Purpose: The role of intrinsic apoptosis in mature B cell homeostasis is still elusive. The aim of this study is to compare the transcriptome of mature B cells that are either sensitive or resistant to intrinsic apoptosis. Methods: Bone marrow-residing Mature B cells were FACS-sorted as B220high CD93- IgM+ with >99.8% purity. RNA was extracted with Qiagen RNA extraction kit.
Project description:Biological triplicates of the 4 stages of eosinophil maturation (from I to IV) were sorted via FACS from the bone marrow of mice in the steady state and in IL-33 induced eosinophilia, allowing to study the transcriptional changes occurring during eosinophil maturation in both conditions.