Project description:To understand the mechanistic basis of local innate and adaptive immunity against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) at the molecular level, we examined the gene transcription profile of tracheal epithelial layers at 3 days after infection of chickens with an attenuated IBV-Massachusetts strain. Keywords: Disease State Analysis, Early mucosal immune response, FHCRC 13k chicken array
Project description:Immunological mechanisms of susceptibility to NTM disease are poorly understood. We evaluated innate and antigen-specific adaptive immune responses to Mycobacterium avium complex in individuals with MAC lung disease. We investigated the gene expression changes induced in PBMCs by polyclonal stimulation (anti-CD3, anti-CD28), Mav and Mtb lysates and a peptide pool (MTB300) in individuals with MAC lung disease (MACDZ), and healthy controls (IGRA+ and IGRA-).
Project description:Lymph nodes (LNs) enable innate defense to limit pathogen dissemination while also driving adaptive immunity. Yet, certain innate responses can restrict adaptive processes, suggesting that these must be tightly regulated. Here, we report that after infection or immunization, LN architecture is rapidly altered, with large-scale, polarized recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes from inflamed blood vessels, and intranodal repositioning of NK cells. Mechanistically, dendritic cells (DCs) promote this process through expression of inflammatory chemokines and integrin ligands. While necessary for efficient pathogen containment, DC-driven innate cell responses paradoxically limit early adaptive immunity, with infiltrating neutrophils displacing lymphocytes and reducing the LN area available for T cell priming. Upon threat secession however, DCs and DC-recruited monocytes phagocytose the neutrophils, restoring tissue architecture and generating polarized domains for downstream adaptive immune cell activation. Thus, DCs orchestrate innate cell organization during inflammation, serving as rheostats of innate versus adaptive functions of the LN.
Project description:The interaction between fungal pathogen and host innnate and adaptive immunity during infection is a complex and dynamic process. To resolve this, we chose the zebrafish model organism as the host to study C. albicans infection via systems biology approach. Transcriptome microarray data and histological analysis of surviving fish were sampled at different post-infection time points. Time-course microarray data following primary and secondary infection of zebrafish by Candida albicans were obatined. From this set of data, we constructed two intracellular proteinM-bM-^@M-^Sprotein interaction (PPI) networks for primary and secondary responses of the host. Each fish in the first group was intraperitoneally injected with 1 M-CM-^W 10E5 and 1 M-CM-^W 10E7 CFU C. albicans at day 0 and 14, respectively. These infected fish were collected at 1, 2, 3, 6, 14, 17.5, 21 dpi (day post infection). For the second group, a second injection of C. albicans was given on 14th day of the first infeciton, and the repeated infeceted fish were collected at 2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 hours post second injection. 1.65 M-NM-<g of Cy3 cRNA for zebrafish array was fragmented to an average size of about 50-100 nucleotides by incubation with fragmentation buffer at 60M-BM-0C for 30 minutes. Each time points contain two biological repeats.