Project description:Survey of relative gene expression profiles in larvae, pupae, and midguts and fatbodies of teneral, unfed, and fed adult mountain pine beetles from western Nevada, USA. Array prepared on 4-tile chips (4-plex custom arrays), each feature represented by six different oligonucleotides, three replicate blocks/tile, hybridized with total RNA from 11 samples, each replicated four times. Vector (pDONR222) and two plant sequences included as negative controls.
Project description:A NimbleGen array containing both gene-based and RJM repeat junction probe sequences derived from Ae. Tauschii was developed and used to map the Chinese Spring nullisomic-tetrasomic lines and deletion bin lines of the D genome chromosomes.
Project description:A NimbleGen array containing both gene-based and RJM repeat junction probe sequences derived from Ae. Tauschii was developed and used to map the Chinese Spring nullisomic-tetrasomic lines and deletion bin lines of the D genome chromosomes. The NimbleGen array was hybridized in duplicate with Cy3 labeled seven nullisomic-tetrasomic lines, deletion bin lines for D genome chromosomes, and control reference Chinese Spring; as well as Cy5 labeled reference line Chinese Spring.
Project description:Centromeres typically contain repeat sequences, but centromere function does not necessarily depend on these sequences. In aneuploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) and wheat distant hybridization offspring, we found functional centromeres with dramatic changes to centromeric retrotransposon of wheat (CRW) sequences. CRW sequences were greatly reduced in the ditelosomic lines 1BS, 5DS, 5DL, and a wheat-Thinopyrum elongatum addition line. CRWs were completely lost in the ditelosomic line 4DS, but a 994 kb ectopic genomic DNA sequence was involved in de novo centromere formation on the 4DS chromosome. In addition, two ectopic sequences were incorporated in a de novo centromere in a wheat-Th. intermedium addition line. Centromeric sequences were also expanded to the chromosome arm in wide hybridizations. Stable alien chromosomes with two and three regions containing centromeric sequences were found in wheat-Th. elongatum hybrid derivatives, but only one is functional. In wheat-rye (Secale cereale) hybrids, rye centromere specific sequences spread to the chromosome arm and may cause centromere expansion. Thus, distant wheat hybridizations cause frequent and significant changes to the centromere via centromere misdivision, which may affect retention or loss of alien chromosomes in hybrids. ChIP-seq was carried out with anti-CENH3 antibody using material 4DS and control (Chinese Spring, CS as short).
Project description:This study examines gene expression differences between infected larvae from different maternal infection backgrounds to try to understand the immunological basis of invertebrate immune priming. Female Tribolium castaneum beetles were either jabbed with sterile saline, heat killed Bt, or left naïve. 15 Offspring from the first and second broods were infected with Bt and 24 hours later pooled by treatment and flash frozen Beetles from saline and primed maternal backgrounds are compared to naïve infected
Project description:We report the temporal dynamics of differential gene expression between primed and unprimed beetles infected with the entomopathogen Bt
Project description:This study examines gene expression differences between infected larvae from different maternal infection backgrounds to try to understand the immunological basis of invertebrate immune priming. Female Tribolium castaneum beetles were either jabbed with sterile saline, heat killed Bt, or left naïve. 15 Offspring from the first and second broods were infected with Bt and 24 hours later pooled by treatment and flash frozen Beetles from saline and primed maternal backgrounds are compared to naïve infected Pooled whole larvae, custom array for T. castaneum, 1 replicate per treatment comparison. Same naïve sample used for both arrays