Project description:Neurospora intermedia is a heterothallic filamentous ascomycete. In this study we use microarray technology to study the difference in gene expression between vegetative growth and early reproductive development. Neurospora intermedia FGSC#8882 mat-A and FGSC#8782 mat-a. Solid synthetic crossing medium (SCM) was used as a nutrient regime before sampling and processing. Two different conditions were sampled: vegetative mycelial tissue and young reproductive mycelial tissue.
Project description:Dimorphic fungi have the ability to change morphology during their lifecycle, a crucial feature for the establishment of infection and fungal growth and development in planta. Life cycle of the dimorphic sugarcane smut fungi, Sporisorium scitamineum, involves recognition and mating of compatible saprophytic yeast-like haploid sporidia (MAT-1 and MAT-2) that upon fusion, develop into infective dikaryotic mycelia. Although the dimorphic transition is intrinsically linked with the pathogenicity and virulence of S. scitamineum, it has never been studied using a proteomics approach. In the present study, an iTRAQ-based comparative proteomic analysis of three distinct stages covering the dimorphic transition period - haploid sporidial stage (MAT-1 and MAT-2) to the transition phase (24 hours post co-culturing (hpc)) and dikaryotic mycelial stage (48 hpc) was carried out. Functional categorization showed that the most altered biological processes were energy production, primary metabolism especially carbohydrate, amino acid, fatty acid, followed by translation, post-translation and protein turnover. The identified proteins could be grouped into 8 distinct clusters with different trends in abundance. Enrichment analysis of the clusters showed that biological processes related to energy production through oxidative phosphorylation, citrate cycle, and β-oxidation, transcription, translation and redox homeostasis were specifically altered. In addition, an overall downregulation of carbohydrate metabolism and reprogrammed amino acid metabolism were observed. Several differentially abundant proteins (DAPs), especially in the dikaryotic mycelial stage were predicted as effectors. Taken together, key molecular mechanisms underpinning the dimorphic transition in S. scitamineum at the proteome level were highlighted. A catalogue of stage-specific and dimorphic transition-associated -proteins and potential effectors identified herein are potential candidates for defective mutant screening to elucidate their functional role in the dimorphic transition and pathogenicity in S. scitamineum.
Project description:Hymenoscyphus linearis isolate chi01 was grown on potato dextrose broth for 3 weeks. RNA was extracted from the mycelial mat and the library was prepared with TruSeq Stranded mRNA LT Sample Prep Kit and sequenced with HiSeq 2500 (2x100 bp).
Project description:Hymenoscyphus koreanus F52847-1 was grown on potato dextrose broth for 3 weeks. RNA was extracted from the mycelial mat and the library was prepared with TruSeq Stranded mRNA LT Sample Prep Kit and sequenced with HiSeq 2500 (2x100 bp).
Project description:Amplicon-based fungal metagenomic sequencing for the identification of fungal species in brain tissue from Alzheimer's disease. The study consists in 14 samples, sequenced using Illumina's paired-end technology.
Project description:This experiment was designed to analyze transcriptional changes that occur when the fungal plant pathogen M. grisea is shifted from a complete media to a nitrogen-starved media. Comparisons were made in the following way between fungal mycelial grown in minimal media supplemented with a nitrogen source (MM+N) and minimal media without a nitrogen source (NS) Keywords: parallel sample
Project description:This experiment was designed to analyze transcriptional changes that occur when the fungal plant pathogen M. grisea is shifted from a complete media to a nitrogen-starved media. Comparisons were made in the following way between fungal mycelial grown in minimal media supplemented with a nitrogen source (MM+N) and minimal media without a nitrogen source (NS) Keywords: parallel sample
Project description:The RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by homology-dependent degradation of the target mRNA with small RNA molecules plays a key role in controlling transcription and translation processes in a number of eukaryotic organisms. The RNAi machinery is also evolutionarily conserved in a wide variety of fungal species, including pathogenic fungi. To elucidate the physiological functions of the RNAi pathway in Cryptococcus neoformans that causes fungal meningitis, here we performed genetic analyses for genes encoding Argonaute (AGO1 and AGO2), RdRP (RDP1), and Dicers (DCR1 and DCR2) in both serotype A and D C. neoformans. The present study shows that Ago1, Rdp1, and Dcr2 are the major components of the RNAi process occurring in C. neoformans. However, the RNAi machinery is not involved in regulation of production of two virulence factors (capsule and melanin), sexual differentiation, and diverse stress response. To further gain insights into the global regulatory circuit governed by the RNAi pathway, comparative transcriptome analysis using the serotype A and D RNAi mutants was performed. Notably, an increase in transcript abundance of active transposons, such as T2 and T3, was observed in the rdp1Δ mutant. Therefore, this study can improve our understanding of the role of the RNAi genes in human fungal pathogens including C. neoformans. RNAi_D: 6 slides are used in this analysis, 3 biological replicate experiments are performed, total RNAs are extracted from 4 strains (NE519 MAT alpha, NE520 MAT a backcrossed Wild type strain, NE517 rdp1 mutant MAT alpha, NE518 rdp1 mutant MAT a). We use Cy5 as rdp1 mutant dye and Cy3 as a WT dye
Project description:BbMBF1 played crucial roles in mediating response the prolonged thermal stress, a determinant to the environmental fitness of fungal entomopathogens. We characterized for the first time that disruption of BbMBF1 reduced the mycelial tolerance to the 9-h thermal stress under 40°C. The global transcriptome involved in the response to the thermal stress was analyzed by using high throughput sequencing (RNA-Seq). Our transcriptional profiles revealed that numerous differentially expressed genes (DEGs), of which involved in metabolism, cell transport and cell rescue, were significantly involved in fungal response to the themal stress.