Project description:To clarify the regenerative mechanism of endometrium after parturition in cows, mRNA expression profiles in bovine endometrium were investigated during postpartum period. after PVP-I treatment in cows. The differentially expressed genes in the endometrium between postpartum days 49-52 and days 99-101 were 23 genes, and they were much lower than those before postpartum days 49-52. This result suggests that endometrial regeneration after parturition is completely accomplished until postpartum days 49-52.
Project description:In order to clarify whether the term after calving is a factor to affect the gene expression in the endometrium of cows, we conducted global endometrial gene expression analysis at different period after parturition. In bovine endometrium between 60.1 ± 4.0 days and 388.9 ± 8.2 days after parturition, the gene expression pattern was similar and the differentially expressed (>2-fold difference, P<0.05) genes were only 4 genes.
Project description:To clarify whether the regenerative mechanism of endometrium after PVP-I treatment is similar to that after parturition in cows, mRNA expression profiles in bovine endometrium were investigated after PVP-I treatment in cows. Common differentially expressed genes between after PVP-I administration and parturition were few. The difference of the pattern of gene expression changes between after PVP-I administration and postpartum period suggests that the endometrial regeneration after PVP-I administration had different mechanism from parturition.
Project description:Purpose: Perform RNA-seq study on infectious bovine endometrial tissues to reveal important genes and biological pathways regulating uterine physiology following uterine infections Methods:RNA sequencings were done using Illumina platform. Single-end reads in the FASTQ format were explored using FastQC, low-quality reads were trimmed from both 3’ and 5’ ends until a base pair of Phred quality score of 30 (99.9% accurate) or greater was found, reads having a mean quality score less than 30 and length below 30 nucleotides were filtered out. Cleaned reads were aligned against the bovine reference genome (Bos_taurus.ARS-UCD1.2) using HiSAT2. The resulting SAM files were sorted, converted to BAM files using SAMtools. Read counts mapped to bovine gene models were generated using htseq-count script from HTSeq package. Bioconductor DESeq2 was used to get the differentially expressed genes among infectious vs normal uterine tract groups Conclusions: The study demonstrated that uterine infections altered several genes and pathways related to inflammatory response, immune response, uterine physiology, uterine enviroment and fertility in the intercaruncular region of bovine endometrium.
Project description:To clarify the effect of intrauterine methylglyoxal (MGO) administration on the endometrium, mRNA expression profiles of bovine endometrium were investigated. Hierarchical cluster analysis with the expression levels of all genes was divided these cows into two clusters. First cluster was composed of control cows, second cluster contained MGO (5 mM) treated cows.
Project description:The endometrium provides optimal conditions for the transport of sperm to the oviduct, to the site of fertilization, and later on for the reception of the embryo. To study these changes on the level of gene expression, a messenger RNA expression profiling of endometrium tissue samples collected from 19 cyclic heifers at five stages of the estrous cycle (days 0, 3.5, 12, 18, 20) was performed. RNA was extracted from these tissue samples and analyzed with a custom-made bovine oviduct and endometrium (BOE) cDNA array. The cDNAs present on the array were derived from several previously conducted differential gene expression studies of bovine endometrium between different stages of the estrous cycle, during early pregnancy, and from studies of bovine oviduct epithelial cells. In all of these studies cDNAs of differentially expressed genes were identified using a combination of subtracted cDNA libraries and cDNA array hybridization. 1,440 cDNA fragments are located on the array. Twenty radioactively labeled cDNA samples (n=4 for each cycle stage) were hybridized with BOE arrays. Raw data were normalized using the BioConductor package vsn. Keywords: time course of gene expression in bovine endometrium during estrous cycle
Project description:Bovine blood neutrophil RNA from 4 primiparous Holstein cows was collected on days -7, 0, 0.25, and 1 (relative to parturition on day 0). RNA was pooled across the four animals at the independent time points to obtain the 20 ug necessary for use in a loop design. RNA pools were separated into two 10 ug aliquots prior to cDNA synthesis and dye coupling in a loop design. Each sample was labeled with Cy3 and Cy5 and run in paired hybridizations as follows: GSM8506 compaired day 0.25 and day -7, GSM8507 compaired day 1 and day 0, GSM8508 compaired day -7 and day 1, GSM8509 compaired day 0 and 0.25. This pairing strategy was utilized to directly compare day -7 samples with days 0.25 and 1 samples because results from previous experiments suggested that the most pronounced differences in gene expression would occur between these days. Keywords = microarray, cDNA, bovine, neutrophil, parturition Keywords: time-course