Project description:We have adapted the DamID protocol for use with high throughput sequencing. We have used DamID to identify the positions within the Drosophila genome where the transcription factor DSX is bound. We sequenced DpnI-digested genomic DNA from fly tissues containing UAS-Dam (control) or UAS-Dam-DsxF or UAS-Dam-DsxM.
Project description:We report the application of ribosomal profiling based RNA sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of the Gr5a cells of male Drosophila melanogaster adults. By expressing the UAS-Rpl3-3XFLAG transgene using the Gr5a-GAL4 driver on Pclc429 mutant flies.
Project description:We have adapted the DamID protocol for use with high throughput sequencing. We have used DamID to identify the positions within the Drosophila genome where the transcription factor DSX is bound. We sequenced DpnI-digested genomic DNA from fly tissues containing UAS-Dam (control) or UAS-Dam-DsxF or UAS-Dam-DsxM. We have performed DamID-seq on adult male and female fatbody and on ovary. We used two biological replicates for each tissue and sex.
Project description:To investigate the role of CPES in germ cell differentiation during spermatogenesis in Drosophila testis. We have generated cpes null mutants using ends-out homologus recombination and rescued with Bam-Gal4 and UAS-CPES in cpes mutant background. We then dissected 200 pairs of testes for each of the 3 replicates from wild type, cpes mutant and Rescue (Bam-Gal4 and UAS-CPES) Drosophila males and total RNA was extracted using Trizol and RNA-Clean and concentrater column. About 1ug of RNA in 20ul was submitted for bulk RNAseq using Illumina machine (HWI-ST1276).
Project description:Samples 1-8: Tissue-specific RNA sequencing (Illumina) using dissected ring glands isolated from TWO different time points of control (phm>w1118) third instar larvae. Time points are: light phase zt0-4 (which corresponde to 2-4 hours from second to third instar larvae molt); and dark phase zt18-22 (which corresponde to 16-20 hours from second to third instar larvae molt) Samples 9-32: Tissue-specific gene expression (RNA seq Illumina) using dissected ring glands isolated from TWO different time points of third instar larvae. Genotypes were Timeless-RNAi (phm>tim-RNAi), Period-RNAi (phm>per-RNAi), UAS-TimcDNA (phm>UAS-Tim) and UAS-TimcDNA;UAS-PercDNA (phm>UAS-TimcDNA;UAS-PercDNA). Goal was to identify circadin pathway dependent gene sets in the ring gland. Time points were 2-4 hours and 18-20 hours after L2-L3 molt.
Project description:Mediator is a highly conserved transcriptional coactivator organized into four modules, namely Tail, Middle, Head and Kinase (CKM). Previous work suggests regulatory roles for Tail and CKM, but an integrated model for these activities is lacking. Here, we analyzed the genome-wide distribution of Mediator subunits in wild-type and mutant yeast cells in which RNA polymerase II promoter escape is blocked allowing detection of transient Mediator forms. We found that while all modules are recruited to upstream activated regions (UAS), assembly of Mediator within the pre-initiation complex is accompanied by the release of CKM. Surprisingly, our data show that CKM regulates Mediator-UAS interaction rather than Mediator-promoter association. In addition, while Tail is required for Mediator recruitment to UAS, Tail-less Mediator nevertheless interacts with core promoters. Collectively, our data suggest that the essential function of Mediator is mediated by Head and Middle at core promoters, while Tail and CKM play regulatory roles.
Project description:Mediator is a highly conserved transcriptional coactivator organized into four modules, namely Tail, Middle, Head and Kinase (CKM). Previous work suggests regulatory roles for Tail and CKM, but an integrated model for these activities is lacking. Here, we analyzed the genome-wide distribution of Mediator subunits in wild-type and mutant yeast cells in which RNA polymerase II promoter escape is blocked allowing detection of transient Mediator forms. We found that while all modules are recruited to upstream activated regions (UAS), assembly of Mediator within the pre-initiation complex is accompanied by the release of CKM. Interestingly, our data show that CKM regulates Mediator-UAS interaction rather than Mediator-promoter association. In addition, while Tail is required for Mediator recruitment to UAS, Tail-less Mediator nevertheless interacts with core promoters. Collectively, our data suggest that the essential function of Mediator is mediated by Head and Middle at core promoters, while Tail and CKM play regulatory roles.
Project description:Drosophila hinfp mutant is lethal. They are unble to ecolose from the pupal case and died. To investigate the molecular function of Hinfp in Drosophila gut, we isolated RNA from mutant and wild type adult pharate gut and performed RNA-seq analysis. The comparison of mutant and control samples revealed significantly changed expression of over more than thousand Drosophila genes. Among the down regulated genes were many Histone genes. Further validation of RNA-seq data of Histone genes divulged that His1 is significantly down-regulated lead to genome instability through de-repression of menay of the retrotransposon. We also rescued the all phenotypes by overexpression of UAS-Hinfp and UAS-His1 gene.
Project description:We report the application of targeted DNA Adenine Methyltransferase identification DNA sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of Pcl occupancy in the Gr5a cells of male Drosophila melanogaster adults. By expressing the UAS-LT3-Dam::Pcl and UAS-LT3-Dam transgene using the Gr5a-GAL4;tubulinGAL80ts driver.
Project description:We report the application of targeted DNA Adenine Methyltransferase identification DNA sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of OGT occupancy in the Gr5a cells of male Drosophila melanogaster adults. By expressing the UAS-LT3-Dam::Pcl and UAS-LT3-Dam transgene using the Gr5a-GAL4;tubulinGAL80ts driver.