Project description:The fungal skin disease chytridiomycosis has caused the devastating decline and extinction of hundreds of amphibian species globally, yet the potential for evolving resistance, and the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain poorly understood. We exposed 406 naïve, captive-raised alpine tree frogs (Litoria verreauxii alpina) to the aetiological agent Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in two concurrent and controlled infection experiments. We investigated (A) survival outcomes and clinical pathogen burdens between populations and clutches, and (B) individual host tissue responses to chytridiomycosis. Here we present multiple interrelated datasets associated with these exposure experiments, including animal signalment, survival and pathogen burden of 355 animals from Experiment A, and the following datasets related to 61 animals from Experiment B: animal signalment and pathogen burden; raw RNA-Seq reads from skin, liver and spleen tissues; de novo assembled transcriptomes for each tissue type; raw gene expression data; annotation data for each gene; and raw metabolite expression data from skin and liver tissues. These data provide an extensive baseline for future analyses.
Project description:We present a draft genome assembly that includes 200 Gb of Illumina reads, 4 Gb of Moleculo synthetic long-reads and 108 Gb of Chicago libraries, with a final size matching the estimated genome size of 2.7 Gb, and a scaffold N50 of 4.8 Mb. We also present an alternative assembly including 27 Gb raw reads generated using the Pacific Biosciences platform. In addition, we sequenced the proteome of the same individual and RNA from three different tissue types from three other species of squid species (Onychoteuthis banksii, Dosidicus gigas, and Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) to assist genome annotation. We annotated 33,406 protein coding genes supported by evidence and the genome completeness estimated by BUSCO reached 92%. Repetitive regions cover 49.17% of the genome.
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to compare endothelial small RNA transcriptome to identify the target of OASL under basal or stimulated conditions by utilizing miRNA-seq. Methods: Endothelial miRNA profilies of siCTL or siOASL transfected HUVECs were generated by illumina sequencing method, in duplicate. After sequencing, the raw sequence reads are filtered based on quality. The adapter sequences are also trimmed off the raw sequence reads. rRNA removed reads are sequentially aligned to reference genome (GRCh38) and miRNA prediction is performed by miRDeep2. Results: We identified known miRNA in species (miRDeep2) in the HUVECs transfected with siCTL or siOASL. The expression profile of mature miRNA is used to analyze differentially expressed miRNA(DE miRNA). Conclusions: Our study represents the first analysis of endothelial miRNA profiles affected by OASL knockdown with biologic replicates.
Project description:Total RNA extracted from differentiated mesenchymal stem cells at four time points (T1,T2,T3,T4) and sequenced using Illumina Hi-seq 2000 platform to generate RNA sequencing with 101bp in read length. Nearly 50 million raw reads were yielded from each sample respectively. We used FastQC to confirm the quality of raw fastq sequencing data, and SOAPfuse software to detect fusion transcripts.
Project description:Total mRNA was extracted at 48 hour post transduction using Qiagen RNeasy Kits following the manufacture’s protocol.1 ug ofRNAwas used for cDNA library construction and bulk RNA sequencing were performed by Novogene (Sacramento CA). RNA-seq raw data were analysised using Partek Flow. Briefly, sequencing reads were aligned to the mouse or human genome using Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference (STAR 2.5.3a). Aligned reads were then quantified to transcriptome (mm10; Ensembl Transcripts release 100), and normalized (Median Ratio normalization). Differentiated gene expression analysis (DESeq2) were performed to generate raw counts