Project description:Gene expression was studied at the periphery, an intermediate zone, and the centre of wild-type and M-bM-^HM-^FflbA colonies using Affymetrix A. niger whole genome microarrays. We used Affymetrix GeneChip A. niger Geome Arrays and identifed up- and down-regulated genes that may account for the differences between wild-type and M-NM-^TflbA colonies. RNA was isolated from a biological duplicate of concentric zones of 7-day old wildtype and mutant colonies. Zone 1 represented the most central zone, zone 3 an intermediate zone, and zone 5 the peripheral zone. Mycelium of the distinct zones was harvested from three colonies.
Project description:Irreversible electroporation is a new, minimal-invasive image-guided treatment to treat tumors near or around vulnerable structures, such as central liver tumors.
To investigate the safety and efficacy of IRE in the treatment of colorectal liver metastases, patients with resectable colorectal liver metastases undergo IRE and resection of the metastases in the same session. After resection, the specimen is examined macroscopically to determine vitality using a specific vitality staining (triphenyl-tetrazoliumchloride) and to visualize the exact ablation zone. Subsequently, histopathologic examination is used to determine type of cell death and the microscopic ablation zone.
The investigators hypothesize that IRE is a safe effective method to treat colorectal liver metastasis and that cell damage and cell death is demonstrated as soon as 1 hour after the procedure.