Project description:Morphogenesis of the heart is a complex process that relies on the precise gene expression and gene expression regulators during embryonic development. Dgcr8 is a gene involved in cardiac morphogenesis and it is in the chromosomal region deleted in 22q11.2DS patients. In order to study Dgcr8 function on heart development, we inactivated this gene in the cardiac progenitor cells of mouse embryos and did expression profiling of the long RNAs and miRNAs. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression downstream of DGCR8 underlying cardiac development.
Project description:We have performed conditional inactivation of mef2c in the anterior heart field (AHF) of mice and observed a phenotypic spectrum of outflow tract anomalies in the conditional mutant hearts. In an effort to identify misregulated genes in the outflow tracts of the mutants, we have performed RNA-Seq on outflow tract samples dissected from E10.5 mutant and wild-type embryos.
Project description:We have performed conditional inactivation of mef2c in the anterior heart field (AHF) of mice and observed a phenotypic spectrum of outflow tract anomalies in the conditional mutant hearts. In an effort to identify misregulated genes in the outflow tracts of the mutants, we have performed RNA-Seq on outflow tract samples dissected from E10.5 mutant and wild-type embryos. There are four wild-type samples and four mutant samples.
Project description:The purpose of this study was to identify the source of Wnt signals that lead to development/proliferation of the heart fields, particularly the second heart field. To this end, we knocked out Wntless (Wls), which is necessary for Wnt secretion, in Mesp1+ lineage cells. We performed single cell RNA-seq to better identify the source of Wnt signals and the effects of the loss of Wnt secretion in mesoderm.