Project description:To examine the effect of the mutation of Arabidopsis HB52 on nitrate-induciblle gene exoression, we performed microarray analysis using wild-type and hb52-KO mutant.
Project description:To examine the effect of the mutation of Arabidopsis Dof2.1 on gene exoression, we performed microarray analysis using dof2.1-KO mutant.
Project description:ngs2018_11_nlp2-no treatment / nitrate starvation / nitrate induction-Is NLP2 involved in the PNR Nitrate starvation and nitrate induction effects on wild type and mutant nlp2
Project description:We performed a comparative phosphoproteomic analysis of Arabidopsis root membrane proteins of WT and nrt1.1-1 under low nitrate (LN) and high nitrate (HN) availability in order to identify the downstream components that may be involved in NRT1.1-dependent LR growth and signal transduction.
Project description:Genome-wide gene expression pattern of E47 KO versus WT HSCs from primary and secondary recipient mice were analysis using Agilent one-color micro-array analysis.
Project description:ra05-12_nar2 - atnar2.1-1 - Does the ko of AtNAR2.1 leads to a differential expression in comparison to the WT when grown under high nitrate condition and transfered onto low nitrate concentration? - Plants were grown for 41 days in hydroponics in media containing 6 mM nitrate and then transferred to 6 or 0.2 mM nitrate media for 24h ( short days, irradiation 150 uE). Plants were harvested on day 42 during the first 2 hours of light. Keywords: dose response,gene knock out
Project description:Genome-wide gene expression pattern of E47 KO versus WT HSCs from primary and secondary recipient mice were analysis using Agilent one-color micro-array analysis. Two replicates from 4 samples are analyzed. The sample from the WT mouse were set as their reference sample.