Project description:EMG produced TPA metagenomics assembly of PRJNA792685 data set (Metagenome sequence analysis of the distal gut virome in healthy indian adults).
Project description:We used a DNA microarray chip covering 369 resistance types to investigate the relation of antibiotic resistance gene diversity with humans’ age. Metagenomic DNA from fecal samples of 123 healthy volunteers of four different age groups, i.e. pre-school Children (CH), School Children (SC), High School Students (HSS) and Adults (AD) were used for hybridization. The results showed that 80 different gene types were recovered from the 123 individuals gut microbiota, among which 25 were present in CH, 37 in SC, 58 in HSS and 72 in AD. Further analysis indicated that antibiotic resistance genes in groups of CH, SC and AD can be independently clustered, and those ones in group HSS are more divergent. The detailed analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in human gut is further described in the paper DNA microarray analysis reveals the antibiotic resistance gene diversity in human gut microbiota is age-related submitted to Sentific Reports
Project description:We used a DNA microarray chip covering 369 resistance types to investigate the relation of antibiotic resistance gene diversity with humansM-bM-^@M-^Y age. Metagenomic DNA from fecal samples of 123 healthy volunteers of four different age groups, i.e. pre-school Children (CH), School Children (SC), High School Students (HSS) and Adults (AD) were used for hybridization. The results showed that 80 different gene types were recovered from the 123 individuals gut microbiota, among which 25 were present in CH, 37 in SC, 58 in HSS and 72 in AD. Further analysis indicated that antibiotic resistance genes in groups of CH, SC and AD can be independently clustered, and those ones in group HSS are more divergent. The detailed analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in human gut is further described in the paper DNA microarray analysis reveals the antibiotic resistance gene diversity in human gut microbiota is age-related submitted to Sentific Reports The antibiotic resistance gene microarray is custom-designed (Roche NimbleGen), based on a single chip containing 3 internal replicated probe sets of 12 probes per resistance gene, covering the whole 315K 12-plex platform spots.
Project description:Given the gut microbiota involve aging processing, we performed comparative analysis of gut bacteriophage between older and young subjects using next-generation sequencing (NGS). In our previous study, we found that the Ruminococcaceae is higher in aged subjects comparing to young one. To identify the bacteriophage targeting to the Ruminococcaceae, we also access the composition of phage in the Ruminococcaceae (ATCC, TSD-27) after incubated with human stool samples. The Lactobacillus (ATCC, LGG) targeting phage was used as the control. The virome sequencing analysis using NGS indicated that Myoviridae are high enrich in young subjects and predominate in TSD-27 targeting phage.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE11944: Mucosal Glycan Foraging Enhances the Fitness and Transmission of a Saccharolytic Human Distal Gut Symbiont GSE11953: Mucosal Glycan Foraging Enhances the Fitness and Transmission of a Saccharolytic Human Distal Gut Symbiont: ECF mutant GSE11962: Growth of B. thetaiotaomicron on purified host mucosal glycans and glycan fragments Refer to individual Series
Project description:On going efforts are directed at understanding the mutualism between the gut microbiota and the host in breast-fed versus formula-fed infants. Due to the lack of tissue biopsies, no investigators have performed a global transcriptional (gene expression) analysis of the developing human intestine in healthy infants. As a result, the crosstalk between the microbiome and the host transcriptome in the developing mucosal-commensal environment has not been determined. In this study, we examined the host intestinal mRNA gene expression and microbial DNA profiles in full term 3 month-old infants exclusively formula fed (FF) (n=6) or breast fed (BF) (n=6) from birth to 3 months. Host mRNA microarray measurements were performed using isolated intact sloughed epithelial cells in stool samples collected at 3 months. Microbial composition from the same stool samples was assessed by metagenomic pyrosequencing. Both the host mRNA expression and bacterial microbiome phylogenetic profiles provided strong feature sets that clearly classified the two groups of babies (FF and BF). To determine the relationship between host epithelial cell gene expression and the bacterial colony profiles, the host transcriptome and functionally profiled microbiome data were analyzed in a multivariate manner. From a functional perspective, analysis of the gut microbiota's metagenome revealed that characteristics associated with virulence differed between the FF and BF babies. Using canonical correlation analysis, evidence of multivariate structure relating eleven host immunity / mucosal defense-related genes and microbiome virulence characteristics was observed. These results, for the first time, provide insight into the integrated responses of the host and microbiome to dietary substrates in the early neonatal period. Our data suggest that systems biology and computational modeling approaches that integrate “-omic” information from the host and the microbiome can identify important mechanistic pathways of intestinal development affecting the gut microbiome in the first few months of life. KEYWORDS: infant, breast-feeding, infant formula, exfoliated cells, transcriptome, metagenome, multivariate analysis, canonical correlation analysis 12 samples, 2 groups
Project description:Flagellins from commensal bacteria can be weak Toll-like receptor (TLR)5 agonists despite high affinity binding to TLR5, ligands we termed “silent flagellins”. To determine if silent flagellins are detectable in the human gut, endogenous flagellins produced by the microbiota were isolated from stool obtained from a healthy adult female donor. TLR5 was used as bait to enrich for silent flagellins and TLR5-bound flagellins were identified by searching peptides against a custom flagellin database built from metagenome sequences.