Project description:Although Candida species, more specifically C. albicans, are the most common pathogenic yeasts, little is known about the mechanism involved in eicosanoid production, a virulence factor in these organisms. This is an important area of research which may aid in the understanding of the complex interactions between host and pathogen and may possibly lead to the identification of novel antifungals or drug targets. In this study, genomic hybridization studies using C. albicans DNA microarrays were used to evaluate the regulation of C. albicans biofilm genes during incubation in the presence of arachidonic acid, the major precursor for prostaglandin E2 production. The results obtained indicated that the genes differentially expressed had diverse functions not normally required for cell growth. Two-condition experiment, Control biofilms vs. Arachidonic acid treated biofilms at different time intervals. Biological replicates: 3 Control, 3 Arachidonic acid treated, independently grown and harvested. Technical replicate: dye swap included. Triplicate per array.
Project description:Thraustochytrids of the genera Schizochytrium and Aurantiochytrium accumulate oils rich in the essential, marine n3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA production in Aurantiochytrium sp T66 was studied with the aim to provide more knowledge about factors that affect the DHA-productivities and the contributions of the two enzyme systems used for fatty acid synthesis in thraustochytrids, fatty acid synthetase (FAS) and PUFA-synthase. Fermentations with nitrogen starvation, which is well-known to initiate lipid accumulation in oleaginous organisms, were compared to fermentations with nitrogen in excess where lipid accumulation was obtained by oxygen limitation. The specific productivities of fatty acids originating from FAS were considerably higher under nitrogen starvation than with nitrogen in excess, while the specific productivities of DHA were the same at both conditions. Global transcriptome analysis showed significant up-regulation of FAS under N-deficient conditions, while the PUFA-synthase genes were only marginally upregulated. Neither of them was upregulated under O2-limitation where nitrogen was in excess, suggesting that N-starvation mainly affects the FAS and may be less important for the PUFA-synthase. The transcriptome analysis also revealed responses likely to be related to the generation of reducing power (NADPH) for fatty acid synthesis.
Project description:Sourdough is a very competitive and challenging environment for microorganisms. Usually, a stable microbiota composed of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts comes to dominate this ecosystem. Although rich in carbohydrates, thus providing an ideal environment to grow, the low pH presents a particular challenge. The nature of the adaptation to this low pH was investigated for Lactobacillus plantarum IMDO 130201, an isolate from a laboratory wheat sourdough fermentation. Batch fermentations were carried out in wheat sourdough simulation medium, and total RNA was isolated from mid-exponential growth phase cultures, followed by differential gene expression analysis using a LAB functional gene microarray. At low pH values, an increased expression of genes involved in peptide and amino acid metabolism was observed as well as of genes involved in plantaricin production and lipoteichoic acid synthesis. The results highlight cellular mechanisms that allow L. plantarum to function at a low environmental pH.
Project description:Identification of Candida albicans genes differentially expressed in the presence of arachidonic acid Although Candida species, more specifically C. albicans, are the most common pathogenic yeasts, little is known about the mechanism involved in eicosanoid production, a virulence factor in these organisms. This is an important area of research which may aid in the understanding of the complex interactions between host and pathogen and may possibly lead to the identification of novel antifungals or drug targets. In this study, genomic hybridization studies using C. albicans DNA microarrays were used to evaluate the regulation of C. albicans biofilm genes during incubation in the presence of arachidonic acid, the major precursor for prostaglandin E2 production. The results obtained indicated that the genes differentially expressed had diverse functions not normally required for cell growth.
Project description:Analysis of gene expression levels during Fibroblast to sphere cell conversion induced by albumax I containing medium. Murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) can be converted to sphere cells in the presence of arachidonic acid and pluronic - F 68. The converted cells exhibit stem cell like properties and and have the potential to differentiate into all the three embryonic germ layers. Our results provide important information on genes that are up- or down-regulated during the reprogramming/conversion process.
Project description:Comparing the transcriptomic program induced by oleic acid to that of the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, we find that Tregs sorted from peripheral blood and adipose of healthy donors transcriptomically resemble the oleic acid in vitro treated Tregs, whereas Tregs obtained from the adipose tissue of relapsing-remitting MS patients more closely resemble an arachidonic acid profile
Project description:Comparing the transcriptomic program induced by oleic acid to that of the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, we find that Tregs sorted from peripheral blood and adipose of healthy donors transcriptomically resemble the oleic acid in vitro treated Tregs, whereas Tregs obtained from the adipose tissue of relapsing-remitting MS patients more closely resemble an arachidonic acid profile
Project description:Comparing the transcriptomic program induced by oleic acid to that of the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, we find that Tregs sorted from peripheral blood and adipose of healthy donors transcriptomically resemble the oleic acid in vitro treated Tregs, whereas Tregs obtained from the adipose tissue of relapsing-remitting MS patients more closely resemble an arachidonic acid profile