Project description:Cassava is the most important root crop in the tropics but rapid post-harvest physiological root deterioration (PPD) is a major constraint to commercial cassava production. We used label-free quantitative proteomics to generate an extensive cassava root and PPD proteome. Over 2400 unique proteins were identified in the cassava root and nearly 300 proteins showed significant abundance regulation during PPD. A candidate gene for reducing PPD was identified from the regulated proteins with enzymatic assays and afterwards verified with a transgene approach. This demonstrates the relevance of proteomics approach for crop improvements.
Project description:Analysis of transcriptional response of virus-infected cassava and identification of putative sources of resistance for cassava brown streak disease transcriptome analysis of two varieties of cassava that differ in their level of resistance to cassava brown streak virus.
Project description:Cassava Anthracnose Disease (CAD) that caused by the fungus Colletotorichum anthracnose is a serious disease of cassava in worldwide. In this study, we aim to establish the cassava oligo-DNA microarray representing approximately 30,000 cassava genes and apply it to investigate the molecular mechanisms against fungal infection using two cassava cultivars; Huay Bong 60 (HB60, resistant line for CAD) and Hanatee (HN, sensitive line for CAD). Based on expression profiling, we showed that the expression of various biotic stress-inducible genes, such as detoxification enzyme related genes is higher in HB60 under the treated conditions and non-treated condition, compared with HN. These results show that stress-inducible signaling pathways including ROS detoxification are constitutively activated in HB60 even under normal growth conditions without stress. These results suggest that our microarray is a useful tool for analyzing the cassava transcriptome and add new insight into the host responses of cassava against fungal infection.
Project description:Analysis of transcriptional response of virus-infected cassava and identification of putative sources of resistance for cassava brown streak disease
Project description:Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) suppresses cassava yields across the tropics. It has been reported that landraces lose CMD resistance after regeneration through de novo morphogenesis. We sequenced WGBS data of 14 samples.