Project description:The kidney, similar to non-renal tissue, is adversely affected by increased Hedgehog signaling. We treated human kidney organoids with the Hedgehog activator SAG in order to study the effects of constitutive active Hedghog signaling on human kidney development. We used microarrays to identify gene expression changes in human kidney tissue following Hedgehog activation.
Project description:Human fibroblasts from a control or a patient with compound heterozygous variants in KIAA0753 treated with SAG or WNT3A to test responses within canonical Hedgehog or WNT signaling.
Project description:We analysed the transcriptional changes in the murine folliculostellate cell line TtT/GF after treatment with the Hedgehog signaling activator SAG or its solvent control DMSO, respectively. After activation of the Hedgehog signalling cascade the TtT/GF cells start to transcribe genes that are implicated in extracellular matrix formation and some neuropeptides are transcribed. Partially these genes are described to alter the hormone status in endocrine cells. Therefore, our data implicate that Hedgehog signalling can control hormone secretion in the pituitary gland in an indirect way via folliculostellate cells.
Project description:Safety issues of human iPSC-derived kidney organoids as a regenerative therapy need to be evaluated. Therefore, we studied the immunogenicity of human iPSC-derived kidney organoids. We subcutaneously implanted kidney organoids in immune-deficient IL2Ry-/-RAG2-/- mice for 1 month and hereafter performed adoptive transfer of healthy allogeneic human PBMC. We used single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to analyze the diversity of kidney organoid cells and immune cell profiles. We investigated whether innate and adaptive immune cells invade kidney organoids, evoke an immune response, and influence the kidney organoid differentiation and functional capacity. Understanding the immunogenicity of kidney organoids will advance studies in the applicability of kidney organoids for regenerative medicine. Furthermore, it can serve as an in-vivo transplantation model to study solid organ transplantation.
Project description:Kidney organoids were generated from a control iPSC line using a previously published protocol ( Organoids were collected at three timepoints during the protocol (day 14, 18 and 25) and prepared for proteomic analyses. The focus of the study was to define the proteomic composition of kidney organoids during differentiation with a particular emphasis on the extracellular matrix and its comparison to in vivo systems. Following a ample fractionation and matrix enrichment strategy, samples were prepared for high resolution label-free tandem mass spectrometry to define the proteomic composition of human kidney organoids.
Project description:Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B (HNF1B) encodes a transcription factor expressed in developing human kidney epithelia. Heterozygous HNF1B mutations are the commonest monogenic cause of dysplastic kidney malformations (DKMs). To understand their pathobiology, we generated heterozygous HNF1B mutant kidney organoids from CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited human ESCs and iPSCs reprogrammed from a family with HNF1B-asscociated DKMs. Mutant organoids contained enlarged malformed tubules and displayed deregulated cell turnover. This submission is RNAseq of organoids from MAN13 embryonic stem cells.