Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below. Manuscript title: Fraxinus excelsior updated long-read genome reveals the importance of MADS-box genes in tolerance mechanisms against ash dieback, G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics
Project description:A new genome of Fraxinus excelsior was assembled using a hybrid approach combining Nanopore and Illumina data (BioProject PRJNA865134, SAMN30100368, genome JANJPF000000000 ). Methylation was also assessed in the genome. Manuscript title: Fraxinus excelsior updated long-read genome reveals the importance of MADS-box genes in tolerance mechanisms against ash dieback, G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics
Project description:A de novo 454-Illumina whole genome sequence for a self-pollinated progeny of a Fraxinus excelsior tree growing in woodland in Gloucestershire, UK