Project description:We profiled the gene expression landscape of the developing mouse embryo across three ages (E12.5, E13.5, and E15.5) using fresh frozed tissue sections processed with 10X Genomics's Visium platform.
Project description:We profiled the epigenetic landscape of the developing mouse embryo across three ages (E12.5, E13.5, and E15.5) using fresh frozen tissue sections processed with 10X Genomics's OMNI ATAC, which allows to record regions of open chromatin while retaining spatial resolution.
Project description:We profiled the epigenetic landscape of the developing mouse embryo across three ages (E12.5, E13.5, and E15.5) using single nuclei processed with 10X Genomics's Single Cell ATAC platform.
Project description:Wheather hematopoietic cells contribute to angiogenesis in developing brain, we utilized macrophage deficient mouse embryo. We used microarrays to detect down-regulated genes in KO embryo brain.
Project description:Wheather hematopoietic cells contribute to angiogenesis in developing brain, we utilized macrophage deficient mouse embryo. We used microarrays to detect down-regulated genes in KO embryo brain. KO and WT mouse E10.5 embryo brains were collected for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:Exposure to maternal diabetes during pregnancy alters transcriptional profiles in the developing embryo. The enrichment, within the set of de-regulated genes, of those encoding transcriptional regulatory molecules provides support for the hypothesis that maternal diabetes affects specific developmental programs. We compared E10.5 cntrol embryos to E10.5 embryos from diabetic pregnancies in the FVB mouse strain.