Project description:<p>Our study identified candidate regions of genome involved in adaptation and identified regions associated with selected phenotypes.</p>
Project description:Natural genetic variation between two mouse strains was used as a natural mutagenesis screen to test various aspects of the proposed model for enhancer selection and function.
Project description:<p>Our study identified candidate regions of genome involved in adaptation and identified regions associated with selected phenotypes.</p>
Project description:Natural genetic variation between two mouse strains was used as a natural mutagenesis screen to test various aspects of the proposed model for enhancer selection and function. Chromatin marks H3K4me2, H3K27Ac, and transcription factors PU.1, C/EBPa, and p65 were assessed by ChIP-Seq and GRO-Seq and RNA-Seq were used to measure gene expression in C57BL6/J and BALBc/J inbred mouse strains
Project description:The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) family of genes encodes enzymes that catalyze the metabolism of ethanol into acetaldehyde. Nucleotide variation in ADH genes can affect the catalytic properties of these enzymes and is associated with a variety of traits, including alcoholism and cancer. Some ADH variants, including the ADH1B*48His (rs1229984) mutation in the ADH1B gene, reduce the risk of alcoholism and are under positive selection in multiple human populations. The advent of Neolithic agriculture and associated increase in fermented foods and beverages is hypothesized to have been a selective force acting on such variants. However, this hypothesis has not been tested in populations outside of Asia. Here, we use genome-wide selection scans to show that the ADH gene region is enriched for variants showing strong signals of positive selection in multiple Afroasiatic-speaking, agriculturalist populations from Ethiopia, and that this signal is unique among sub-Saharan Africans. We also observe strong selection signals at putatively functional variants in nearby lipid metabolism genes, which may influence evolutionary dynamics at the ADH region. Finally, we show that haplotypes carrying these selected variants were introduced into Northeast Africa from a West-Eurasian source within the last ∼2,000 years and experienced positive selection following admixture. These selection signals are not evident in nearby, genetically similar populations that practice hunting/gathering or pastoralist subsistence lifestyles, supporting the hypothesis that the emergence of agriculture shapes patterns of selection at ADH genes. Together, these results enhance our understanding of how adaptations to diverse environments and diets have influenced the African genomic landscape.
Project description:In Arabidopsis thaliana a high rate of spontaneous epigenetic variation can occur in the DNA methylome in the absence of genetic variation and selection. It has been of great interest, whether natural epigenetic variation is subject to selection and contributes to fitness and adaptation in selective environments. We compared the variation in selected phenotypic traits, genome-wide cytosine DNA methylation and gene expression in two Arabidopsis recombinant inbred lines, which had undergone five generations of selection in experimental landscapes relative to their genetically identical ancestors. Selected populations exerted significant differences in flowering time and the number of branches and fruits, differences that were maintained over two to three generations in the absence of selection. We identified 4,629 and 5,158 differentially methylated cytosines which were overrepresented in genes that regulate flowering time, epigenetic processes, development and morphogenesis. Differentially methylated genes were enriched in differentially expressed genes. Thus, epigenetic variation is subject to selection and may play an important role in the adaptive response of populations in rapidly changing natural environments.
Project description:Skin color is highly variable in Africans, yet little is known about the underlying molecular mechanism. We identified 1,157 candidate variants influencing skin pigmentation in indigenous Africans by genome-wide association studies and scans of natural selection based on differentiation in allele frequencies between lightly pigmented southern African Khoesan populations and other darkly pigmented African populations. We applied massively parallel reporter and chromosome conformation capture assays to identify novel regulatory variants and their target genes related to skin pigmentation in melanocytic cells. We identified 165 SNPs showing strong differential regulatory activities between alleles. Combining CRISPR-mediated genome editing, transcriptome profiling and melanin assays, we identified causal regulatory variants impacting pigmentation near MFSD12/HMG20B, MITF, OCA2, and DDB1/CYB561A3/TMEM138. We identified CYB561A3 as a novel gene regulating pigmentation by impacting genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation and melanogenesis. Our results broaden our understanding of the genetic basis of human skin color diversity and human adaptation. To test the role of candidate enhancers and variants in skin pigmentation, we performed CRISPR inhibition or knockout of enhancers containing the functional variants identified by MPRA in melanocytic cells. Then, we performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of these CRISPR-edited cells. We also performed RNA-seq using CYB561A3-koncout MNT1 cells or CYB561A3-overexpressing MNT1 cells
Project description:This set of arrays contains all microarray experiments done involving comparisons among C. elegans natural isolates and mutation-accumulation lines. Abstract: The evolutionary importance of gene-expression divergence is unclear: some studies suggest that it is an important mechanism for evolution by natural selection, whereas others claim that most between-species regulatory changes are neutral or nearly neutral. We examined global transcriptional divergence patterns in a set of Caenorhabditis elegans mutation-accumulation lines and natural isolate lines to provide insights into the evolutionary importance of transcriptional variation and to discriminate between the forces of mutation and natural selection in shaping the evolution of gene expression. We detected the effects of selection on transcriptional divergence patterns and characterized them with respect to coexpressed gene sets, chromosomal clustering of expression changes and functional gene categories. We directly compared observed transcriptional variation patterns in the mutation-accumulation and natural isolate lines to a neutral model of transcriptome evolution to show that strong stabilizing selection dominates the evolution of transcriptional change for thousands of C. elegans expressed sequences. An all pairs experiment design type is where all labeled extracts are compared to every other labeled extract. Computed