Project description:Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) belongs to the family Caliciviridae, genus Lagovirus and is used in Australia as a biocontrol tool to keep the population of european rabbits low. This virus has a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome that encodes structural (capsid) and non-structural proteins. Due to the lack of an established cell culture system for this virus, some of the non-structural proteins are yet awaiting characterisation and their function is unknown. This work attempted to characterise the process of RHDV infection and identify pathways that alterate in RHDV-infected rabbit liver at the proteome level. Young rabbits were infected with RHDV2 (genotype GI.1bP-GI.2) and humanely killed 24 hours post-infection. 25% liver homogenates were prepared in RNAlater buffer and stored at -20C. Uninfected rabbit liver samples served as a control. Samples from three RHDV2-infected animals (K375, K376, K378) and three uninfected animals (K3, K14, K12) were used in this study.
Project description:Goal: Determine the role of microglia in the antiviral response during neurotropic picornavirus infection of C57BL/6J and SJL/J mice and whether absence of microglia would affect CD4 and CD8 T cell functions. Methods: Brains from C57BL/6J and SJL/J mice treated with PLX5622 (to deplete microlgia) or control diet were harvested at 6 days post TMEV-infection. CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells were obtained using Easy Sep Mouse CD4+ T cell isolation Kit and Easy Sep Mouse CD8+ T cell isolation Kit (Stemcell). RNA was obtained using RNeasy (QIAGEN) and Illumina TruSeq stranded RNA Kit with Ribo-Zero Gold was then utilized to prepare cDNA library for RNA-seq. Results: Our results demonstrate strain-specific effects of the CSF1R-microglia axis in the context of neurotropic viral infection as well as inherent differences in microglial antigen presentation and subsequent T cell crosstalk that contribute to susceptibility to neurotropic picornavirus infection.
Project description:Genome characterization, prevalence and transmission mode of a novel picornavirus associated with the Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Project description:Evaluation of the transcriptomic profile of the rabbit embryo along the preimplantation period during in vivo development. Three embryonic stages were used: four cell embryos (H32 post-coïtum); morula (H58 pc) and blastocyst (H90 pc). Keywords: time course rabbit embryo