Project description:Rgg-dependent transcriptional regulation in SF370 Streptococcus pyogenes strain was analyzed during post-exponential phase of growth Keywords: rgg mutant
Project description:Small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) have attracted attention as a new class of gene regulators in eukaryotes and in bacteria. In this study, we identified novel sRNAs of the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes M49 (GAS M49). A temporal expression profile of potential sRNAs was determined for (GAS M49). Cells were grown in chemical defined medium (CDM), Todd-Hewitt broth (Invitrogen) supplemented with 0.5% yeast extract (THY) or Brain-Heart-Infusion (BHI) complex medium using tiling arrays representing the intergenic regions of the GAS M49 genome. We identified 55 putative sRNAs in GAS M49 that were expressed during growth. Of those, 35 sRNAs were novel, whereas 20 sRNAs were known. Already described sRNAs included molecules belonging to one of the common non-coding RNA families covered by the rfam collection and streptococcal sRNAs that have been detected in previous studies. Comparison to a recently published bioinformatics screen showed a low overlap between putative sRNA genes. This is in accordance with the results from other studies, which underlines the fact that a comprehensive analysis of sRNAs expressed by a given organism requires the complementary use of different methods and the investigation of several environmental conditions. Despite a high conservation of sRNA genes within streptococci, the expression of sRNAs is rather strain specific.
Project description:Rgg-dependent transcriptional regulation in SF370 Streptococcus pyogenes strain was analyzed during post-exponential phase of growth Keywords: rgg mutant Microarray analysis was performed using RNA samples isolated from both wild-type SF370 and SF370 rgg mutant strains during post-exponential phase of growth
Project description:Small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) have attracted attention as a new class of gene regulators in eukaryotes and in bacteria. In this study, we identified novel sRNAs of the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes M49 (GAS M49). A temporal expression profile of potential sRNAs was determined for (GAS M49). Cells were grown in chemical defined medium (CDM), Todd-Hewitt broth (Invitrogen) supplemented with 0.5% yeast extract (THY) or Brain-Heart-Infusion (BHI) complex medium using tiling arrays representing the intergenic regions of the GAS M49 genome. We identified 55 putative sRNAs in GAS M49 that were expressed during growth. Of those, 35 sRNAs were novel, whereas 20 sRNAs were known. Already described sRNAs included molecules belonging to one of the common non-coding RNA families covered by the rfam collection and streptococcal sRNAs that have been detected in previous studies. Comparison to a recently published bioinformatics screen showed a low overlap between putative sRNA genes. This is in accordance with the results from other studies, which underlines the fact that a comprehensive analysis of sRNAs expressed by a given organism requires the complementary use of different methods and the investigation of several environmental conditions. Despite a high conservation of sRNA genes within streptococci, the expression of sRNAs is rather strain specific. Identification of sncRNA candidates transcribed by S. pyogenes was undertaken with bacteria from cultures grown to exponential (OD600: 0.4) and stationary (OD600: 1.2) phase of growth and each for three growth media. For samples from bacteria grown in CDM medium four biological replicates were included, for samples from bacteria grown in THY and BHI medium two biological replicates were included.
Project description:In Streptococcus pyogenes, mutation of GidA results in avirulence despite the same growth rate as the wild type. To understand the basis of this effect, global transcription profiling was conducted. Keywords: Wild type vs. GidA mutant Streptococcus pyogenes
Project description:The human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A streptococcus, is responsible for mild infections to life-threatening diseases. To determine the primary transcriptome of the emm1 strain S119, we have performed a differential RNA-Seq experiment based on selective Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase (TAP) treatment and 5' adapter ligation to differentiate primary transcripts (5' tri-phosphate) and processed RNAs (5' mono-phosphate). The libraries were performed on a mixture of RNAs prepared from bacteria cultured to late exponential phase in a rich growth culture medium supplemented or not with 15 mM of MgCl2