Project description:Over 2000 publicly accessible human and mouse ChIP-Seq datasets for about 250 Transcription Factors and chromatin complexes from various databases (ENCODE, GEO) were mapped to custom-made human and mouse genomes containing a reference rDNA sequence of the appropriate species (Genbank U13369.1 for human, BK000964.3 for mouse). The read mapping density across the rDNA sequence was then extracted and normalized to the median in that dataset. Unbiased clustering and analysis, followed by curation, was performed to identify high-confidence patterns of rDNA occupancy for numerous hematopoietic TFs and TF families at canonical TF motif sequences. ************************ Data processing steps: FASTQs were trimmed using Trimmomatic with the following parameters: LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:30 Reads were mapped to customized genomes (containing additional rDNA sequence) using Bowtie2 using the following parameter: -X 2000 Read density across the rDNA sequence was extracted using igvtools ************************