Project description:At the moment of union in fertilization, sperm and oocyte are transcriptionally silent. The ensuing onset of embryonic transcription (embryonic genome activation, EGA) is critical for development, yet its timing and profile are unknown in any vertebrate species. We here dissect hitherto inaccessible transcription during EGA by high resolution single-cell RNA-sequencing of precisely synchronized mouse one-cell embryos. This reveals a program of embryonic gene expression (immediate EGA, iEGA) initiating within four hours of fertilization. Expression during iEGA produces canonically-spliced transcripts, occurs substantially from the maternal genome, and is mostly down-regulated at the two-cell stage. Transcribed genes predict regulation by transcription factors (TFs) associated with cancer, including c-Myc. Blocking c- Myc or other predicted regulatory TF activities disrupts iEGA and induces acute developmental arrest. These findings illuminate intracellular mechanisms that regulate the onset of mammalian development and promise a new paradigm for the study of cancer
Project description:Following fertilization, the new embryo reprograms parental genomes to begin transcription (embryonic genome activation, EGA). EGA is indispensable for development, but its dynamics, profile or when it initiates in vertebrates are unknown. We here characterize the onset of transcription in mouse one-cell embryos. Precise embryo staging eliminated noise to reveal a cascading program of de novo transcription initiating within six hours of fertilization. This immediate EGA (iEGA) utilized canonical promoters, produced spliced transcripts, was distinctive and predominantly driven by the maternal genome. Expression represented pathways not only associated with embryo development but with cancer. In human one-cell embryos, hundreds of genes were up-regulated, days earlier than thought, with conservation to mouse iEGA. These findings provide a functional basis for epigenetic analysis in early-stage embryos and illuminate networks governing totipotency and other cell-fate transitions.
Project description:Purpose: Successive paternal generations of unhealthy diet induce a fat mass increase. The goal of this study is to compare epididymal adipose tissue transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) of mice fed either a control-Diet or a High-Fat-Diet for One or Five successive generations. The aim of the study is to identify differentially expressed RNA in epididymal adipose tissue of obese males which might be involved in the exacerbation of induced by the maintenance of High Fat Diet feeding for 5 successive generations. Methods: Epididymal adipose tissue mRNA profiles of 18-months-old mice fed either a control-Diet or a Western-Diet for One or Five successive generations were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina GAIIx. The sequence reads that passed quality filters were quantitavely analyzed. Reads abundance was evaluated for each gene followed by annotation versus mouse GTF by using the featureCounts function.The R package Edger was used in order to normalize the reads and to identify differentially expressed (DE) genes. Results: RNA-seq data revealed a specific enrichment in gene related to metabolic syndrome traits in male mice obtained after successive paternal generations of Western-Diet.
Project description:Gene expression analysis of sperm small RNA obtained from mice fed either a control or Western diets for one or five successive generations through the paternal lineage. The aim of the study is to identify differentially expressed small RNA in sperm of obese males which might be involved in the long-term epigenetic inheritance of obesity induced by the maintenance of High Fat Diet feeding for 5 successive generations.
Project description:Gene expresion analysis among young mouse embryos, aging mouse embryos and aging mouse embryos suppressed their CXCL5-CXCR2 signaling.
Project description:In the early zebrafish embryo, the developing genome profile can be interfered with by exposure to pentachlorophenol, and some specific sets of genes are up-regulated or down-regulated. We used microarrays to detail the global program of gene expression underlying cellularisation and identified distinct classes of up-regulated genes during this process. Zebrafish embryos were selected at successive stages of early development for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We selected embryos exposed to 20 ug/L pentachlorophenol (C1), 50 ug/L pentachlorophenol (C2), and deionized water control (C3) at the gastrula stage (about 8hpf).
Project description:CXCL5-CXCR2 signailing is known as senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) factor to promote cellular senescense in diverse cells. We identified CXCL5 as a SASP factor in human and mouse embryos and suppression of CXCL5-CXCR2 signaling during embryo culture improved pregnancy success in aging mice. Here, we perfomed microarray analysis using mouse blastocysts for comparing gene expression pattarns among young mouse embryos, aging mouse embryos and aging mouse embryos suppressed their CXCL5-CXCR2 signaling. As a results, gene expression pattern of CXCL5-CXCR2 signaling-suppressed aging blastocysts was closer to that of the young blastocysts as compared with aging blastocysts. In addition, cell proliferation-related pathways, such as “PI3K signaling pathway” and “RAS signaling pathway” were significantly enriched in CXCL5-suppressed blastocysts.