Project description:The chromatin structure in eukaryotic nucleus is highly ordered and organized in hierarchical frameworks. We performed Hi-C assay in WT and MATR3-degradated mouse ES cells to reveal the MATR3's role in ES cells.
Project description:We performed RNA binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP) assay with anti-IgG/anti-MATR3 antibody. The RNA libraries were constructed using rib-off and strand-specific kits. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) were performed to analyze MATR3-binding RNAs.
Project description:We performed RNA binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP) assay with anti-IgG/anti-MATR3 antibody. The RNA libraries were constructed using rib-off and strand-specific kits. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) were performed to analyze MATR3-binding RNAs.
Project description:We identified MATR3 as the first direct endogenous inhibitor of DUX4. We found that MATR3 directly binds to DUX4 DNA-binding domain and blocks DUX4-mediated gene expression. As a result, MATR3 administration rescues cell viability and myogenic differentiation of FSHD muscle cells, while it does not affect healthy muscle cells. Notably, we characterized a short MATR3 fragment that is necessary and sufficient to directly block DUX4-induced toxicity to the same extent of the full-length protein.
Project description:To investigate the role of MATR3 in splicing regulation, we performed RNA sequencing on HeLa cells treated with either control siRNA or MATR3 siRNA and then conducted alternative and cryptic splicing analysis
Project description:The aim of the experiment was to compare binding of PTBP1 in presence and absence of MATR3. HEK293T cells were transfected with siRNA targeting MATR3 or control sequences and labelled with 4thio-uridine for 8 hours (100µM, crosslinking 2x400mJ/cm2 365nm UV light).
Project description:The chromatin structure in eukaryotic nucleus is highly ordered and organized in hierarchical frameworks. We performed Hi-C assay in WT and MATR3-depleted AML12 cells to reveal the MATR3's role in AML12 cells.
Project description:The aim of the experiment was to find binding sites MATR3 in mouse brain tissue. Whole brain was prepped from mice at P0 and replicates are from separate animals.