Project description:Nfatc1 short isoform-specific KO mice are embryonic lethal. This isoform is essential for osteoclast differentiation and is responsible for the gene expression of various osteoclast markers, including the isoform itself. We used clariom s assay to explore genes showing altered expresssion during osteoclast differentiation in cultured hematopoietic progenitor cells from KO mice.
Project description:Cullin proteins are scaffolds that coordinate assembly of cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases (CRL), complexes that control post-translational ubiquitin modification and degradation of cellular proteins. Cullin-5 (Cul5) coordinates assembly of CRL complexes containing the RING E3 ligase Rbx1/2, the adapter proteins Elongins B and C, and a Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling (SOCS) box-containing substrate recognition protein. To explore potential roles for Cul5, we generated mice lacking Cul5 in the in hematopoietic system. Analyses included biological and molecular studies including proteomic analysis of differential expression of proteins in primary purified hematopoietic stem/progenitor (LSK) cells lacking Cul5.
Project description:Fus is the gene for a member of the FET family of RNA-binding proteins often involved in chromosomal translocations to generate oncogenic fusion genes in human cancers. Fus participates in multiple cellular functions, including RNA processing and transport, transcriptional regulation, and genome integrity. We uncovered its critical role in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Fus-/- fetal livers developed normally except for a mild reduction in numbers of colony-forming cells compared to the wild type. The proliferation and differentiation of Fus-/- hematopoietic progenitors were normal in vitro. However, the number of colony-forming cells present in long-term cocultures of Fus-/- hematopoietic progenitors and stromal cells was significantly reduced. Fus-/- HSCs had an impaired long-term repopulating capacity and failed to repopulate in tertiary recipient mice. Fus-/- HSCs were highly susceptible to radiation both in vitro and in vivo and showed retardation of radiation-induced DNA damage repair. These findings define Fus as a novel regulator of HSCs and implicate it in stress-resistance and maintenance of the genomic integrity of HSCs. Therefore, it would be of importance to analyze the gene expression profiles of Fus-knockout hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells to understand its role in HSCs. Purified wild-type and Fus–/– KSL cells from BM of recipient mice repopulated with wild-type and Fus–/– fetal liver cells were subjected to RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. Data were obtained from dublicate samples.
Project description:DNA methylation is essential for mammalian development and plays crucial roles in a variety of biological processes. The DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1 serves to maintain parental cell methylation patterns on daughter DNA strands in mitotic cells, however, the precise role of Dnmt1 in regulation of quiescent adult stem cells is not known. To examine the role of Dnmt1 in adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), we conditionally disrupted Dnmt1 in the hematopoietic system. We used microarrays to profile the global gene expression program in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells following deletion of Dnmt1. Dnmt1 was conditionally deleted in the hematopoietic system by injections of poly(I)poly(C) to induce Cre expression from the Mx-Cre transgene. Control mice were also injected with poly(I)poly(C) but do not carry the Mx-Cre transgene. Four days after completion of poly(I)poly(C) injections, bone marrow was harvested from the mice, antibody-mediated magnetic bead selection was used to remove cells expressing mature lineage markers, and the resulting lineage-depleted cells were stained with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies against the surface receptors c-Kit, Sca-1 and CD34. Populations of LT-HSCs, MPPs and myeloid progenitors were FACS sorted, RNA was extracted and amplified from these sorted populations and hybridized to Affymetrix microarrays to compare changes in gene expression induced by conditional knockout of Dnmt1 compared to control in each of the three cell populations. There are 2 biological replicates for the LT-HSCs and MPPs and 3 biological replicates for the myeloid progenitors.