Project description:M9 glucose minimum media were analyzed for RNA expression. We use this expression information to show that mRNA level correlate with codon efficiency (Boel et al., Nature 2015)
Project description:Study of the mechanisms of RecB mutant terminus DNA loss in Escherichia coli. FX158: WT MG1655 FX35: recB- FX37: ruvAB- FX51: matP- MIC18: recB- sbcD- sbcC- MIC20: recB- ruvAB- MIC24: matP- recB- MIC25: recA- recB- MIC31: sbcB- sbcD- MIC34: recA- recD- MIC40: linear chromosome MIC41: linear chromosome recB- MIC42: matP- ftsKC- MIC43: matP- ftsKC- recB- MIC48: recA- Cells were grown in M9 minimal medium supplemented with 0.4 % glucose to exponential phase (0.2 OD 650 nm). Chromosomal DNA was extracted using the Sigma GenElute bacterial genomic DNA kit. 5 μg of DNA were used to generate a genomic library according to Illumina's protocol. The libraries and the sequencing were performed by the High-throughput Sequencing facility of the I2BC (, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France). Genomic DNA libraries were made with the ‘Nextera DNA library preparation kit’ (Illumina) following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Library quality was assessed on an Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100, using an Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent technologies). Libraries were pooled in equimolar proportions. 75 bp single reads were generated on an Illumina MiSeq instrument, using a MiSeq Reagent kit V2 (500 cycles) (Illumina), with an expected depth of 217X. An in-lab written MATLAB-based script was used to perform marker frequency analysis. Reads were aligned on the Escherichia coli K12 MG1655 genome using BWA software. Data were normalized by dividing uniquely mapping sequence reads by the total number of reads. Enrichment of uniquely mapping sequence reads in 1 kb non-overlapping windows were calculated and plotted against the chromosomal coordinates.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of E. coli MG1655 to Trimethoprim in i) LB media, ii) M9 minimal media and iii) M9 minimal media with supplements to study the association of gene expression with corresponding lethal and non-lethal growth conditions. Supplementation conditions in M9 media included addition of 50 microgram/ml of adenine, methionine, glycine or thymine in various combinations.
Project description:We performed genomic sequencing of whole-genome amplified DNA and native DNA isolated during growth in one of five conditions. We sequenced the DNA using Oxford Nanopore and compared the signals from the whole genome amplified DNA to the native DNA to infer sites at which the native DNA was methylated. The file names here are denoted via the strain name (SC419, SC452, or SC469), the growth condition (37C M9, 42C M9, 25C M9, rich media LB, 96 hours of growth), and in two cases, the replicate culture (M9_rep1 and M9_rep2)
Project description:We carried out adaptive laboratory evolution of an E. coli strain lacking four genes (adhE, pta, ldhA, frdA) involved in acetyl-CoA consumption, allowing the efficient utilization of acetate as its sole carbon and energy source. The transcriptomes according to the medium status (M9 aceate, M9 glucose) of the evolved strain (SBA01) and its parent strain (DSM01) were compared using RNA-seq.