Project description:Giardia duodenalis is the protozoan agent responsible for the majority of parasitic gastroenteritis in humans worldwide. Disease pathology includes malabsorption and maldigestion, cell apoptosis and small intestinal barrier dysfunction, which occurs in absence of known toxins, cell invasion and overt inflammation. To understand pathogenesis, host-parasite in vitro interaction models provide global insights into disease induction and virulence. Hence, we performed the first proteomic analysis of G. duodenalis trophozoites interacted with intestinal epithelial cells (IECs, HT-29) for 6 hours, and compared it to trophozoites exposed to cell-free fractions of host-soluble signals. This has allowed us to demonstrate that distinct and independent protein cascades are induced by host attachment compared to host soluble signals. We utilised a tandem mass tag (TMT) approach and evaluated it as quantitative proteomics for the first time in Giardia.
Project description:Vanee2010 - Genome-scale metabolic model of
Cryptosporidium hominis (iNV213)
This model is described in the article:
A genome-scale metabolic
model of Cryptosporidium hominis.
Vanee N, Roberts SB, Fong SS, Manque
P, Buck GA.
Chem. Biodivers. 2010 May; 7(5):
The apicomplexan Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite of
humans and other mammals. Cryptosporidium species cause acute
gastroenteritis and diarrheal disease in healthy humans and
animals, and cause life-threatening infection in
immunocompromised individuals such as people with AIDS. The
parasite has a one-host life cycle and commonly invades
intestinal epithelial cells. The current genome annotation of
C. hominis, the most serious human pathogen, predicts 3884
genes of which ca. 1581 have predicted functional annotations.
Using a combination of bioinformatics analysis, biochemical
evidence, and high-throughput data, we have constructed a
genome-scale metabolic model of C. hominis. The model is
comprised of 213 gene-associated enzymes involved in 540
reactions among the major metabolic pathways and provides a
link between the genotype and the phenotype of the organism,
making it possible to study and predict behavior based upon
genome content. This model was also used to analyze the two
life stages of the parasite by integrating the stage-specific
proteomic data for oocyst and sporozoite stages. Overall, this
model provides a computational framework to systematically
study and analyze various functional behaviors of C. hominis
with respect to its life cycle and pathogenicity.
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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to
the public domain worldwide. Please refer to
Public Domain Dedication for more information.
Project description:To investigate the transcriptional responses of intestinal epithelial cells and Giardia intestinalis, assemblage A isolate WB-C6, trophozoites during infection, we infected human enteroids with preconditioned trophozoites for 1h and 3h. Giardia intestinalis trophozoites were preconditioned before the infection with either DMEM/F-12 or DMEM/F-12 supplemented with 10% FBS to modify the trophozoites’ fitness.