Project description:Epigenetic mechanisms contribute to deregulated gene expression of hematopoietic progenitors in Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS). Hypomethylating agents are able to improve peripheral cytopenias in MDS patients. To identify critical gene expression changes induced by hypomethylating agents, we analyzed gene expression profiling (GEP) of myelodysplastic and normal CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells treated in vitro with or without decitabine. Four MDS and two untreated early stage Hodgkin’s lymphomas were analyzed for GEP. Mock treated CD34+ stem cells segregate according to diagnosis and karyotype. After decitabine treatment, gene expression changes were more consistent on MDS CD34+ cells with abnormal kayotype. Comparing decitabine-induced genes with those found down-regulated in mock-treated MDS cells, we identified a list of candidate tumor suppressor genes in MDS. By real-time RT-PCR we confirmed expression changes for three selected genes CD9, CXCR4 and GATA2 in 12 MDS patients and 4 controls. CD9 was widely repressed in most MDS CD34+ cell samples, although similar levels of methylation were found in both normal and MDS total bone marrows. CXCR4 promoter methylation was absent in total bone marrows from 36 MDS patients. In conclusion, changes in gene expression changes induced by hypomethylating treatment are more pronounced in CD34+ cells from abnormal karyotype.
Project description:Early, low risk IPSS (International Prognostic Scoring System) myelodysplasia (MDS) is a heterogeneous disorder where the molecular and cellular haematopoietic defects are poorly understood. To gain insight into this condition, we analyzed gene expression profiles of marrow CD34+ progenitor cells from normal karyotype, low blast count MDS patients, age-matched controls and patients with non-MDS anaemia. The aim of the study was to further understanding of the cellular defect in MDS and to identify biomarkers of disease Keywords: Disease v normal
Project description:Short RNAs expression profiling in circulating CD34+ cells from Primary Myelofibrosis patients and from normal controls pooled bone marrow CD34+ cells.
Project description:Early, low risk IPSS (International Prognostic Scoring System) myelodysplasia (MDS) is a heterogeneous disorder where the molecular and cellular haematopoietic defects are poorly understood. To gain insight into this condition, we analyzed gene expression profiles of marrow CD34+ progenitor cells from normal karyotype, low blast count MDS patients, age-matched controls and patients with non-MDS anaemia. The aim of the study was to further understanding of the cellular defect in MDS and to identify biomarkers of disease Experiment Overall Design: Bone marrow (BM) CD34 cells were purified from patients with MDS, non-MDS anemia and from normal donors. Total RNA was extracted from Tri-reagent and quality verified on by capillary electrophoresis (Agilent). RNA was amplified by the Affymetrix small sample protocol. cRNA was hybridised to Affymetrix U133A chips under standard conditions. Initial data was analysed in MAS 5.0
Project description:The pathogenesis-related signaling pathways in MDS could be screened using high throughput bioinformatics analysis based on the gene expression profile network. Here, we tried to identify the mRNAs-regulated pathways through a mRNA microarray in CD34+ cells from MDS patients. Gene expression profile analysis was performed in 12 MDS patients and 6 normal controls using GeneChip® PrimeView� Human Gene Expression Array, and diffirential genes were identified.