Project description:The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes influences the accessibility of underlying regulatory information. Nucleosome occupancy and positioning are best characterized in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, albeit in asynchronous cell populations or on individual promoters such as PHO5 and GAL1–10. Using FAIRE (formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements) and whole-genome microarrays, we examined changes in nucleosome occupancy throughout the mitotic cell cycle in synchronized populations of S. cerevisiae. Perhaps surprisingly, nucleosome occupancy did not exhibit large, global variation between cell cycle phases. However, nucleosome occupancy at the promoters of cell cycle–regulated genes was reduced specifically at the cell cycle phase in which that gene exhibited peak expression, with the notable exception of S-phase genes. We present data that establish FAIRE as a high-throughput method for assaying nucleosome occupancy. For the first time in any system, nucleosome occupancy was mapped genome-wide throughout the cell cycle. Fluctuation of nucleosome occupancy at promoters of most cell cycle–regulated genes provides independent evidence that periodic expression of these genes is controlled mainly at the level of transcription. The promoters of G2/M genes are distinguished from other cell cycle promoters by an unusually low baseline nucleosome occupancy throughout the cell cycle. This observation, coupled with the maintenance throughout the cell cycle of the stereotypic nucleosome occupancy states between coding and non-coding loci, suggests that the largest component of variation in nucleosome occupancy is “hard wired,” perhaps at the level of DNA sequence. Keywords: FAIRE
Project description:The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes influences the accessibility of underlying regulatory information. Nucleosome occupancy and positioning are best characterized in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, albeit in asynchronous cell populations or on individual promoters such as PHO5 and GAL1–10. Using FAIRE (formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements) and whole-genome microarrays, we examined changes in nucleosome occupancy throughout the mitotic cell cycle in synchronized populations of S. cerevisiae. Perhaps surprisingly, nucleosome occupancy did not exhibit large, global variation between cell cycle phases. However, nucleosome occupancy at the promoters of cell cycle–regulated genes was reduced specifically at the cell cycle phase in which that gene exhibited peak expression, with the notable exception of S-phase genes. We present data that establish FAIRE as a high-throughput method for assaying nucleosome occupancy. For the first time in any system, nucleosome occupancy was mapped genome-wide throughout the cell cycle. Fluctuation of nucleosome occupancy at promoters of most cell cycle–regulated genes provides independent evidence that periodic expression of these genes is controlled mainly at the level of transcription. The promoters of G2/M genes are distinguished from other cell cycle promoters by an unusually low baseline nucleosome occupancy throughout the cell cycle. This observation, coupled with the maintenance throughout the cell cycle of the stereotypic nucleosome occupancy states between coding and non-coding loci, suggests that the largest component of variation in nucleosome occupancy is “hard wired,” perhaps at the level of DNA sequence. Keywords: FAIRE
Project description:The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes influences the accessibility of underlying regulatory information. Nucleosome occupancy and positioning are best characterized in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, albeit in asynchronous cell populations or on individual promoters such as PHO5 and GAL1–10. Using FAIRE (formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements) and whole-genome microarrays, we examined changes in nucleosome occupancy throughout the mitotic cell cycle in synchronized populations of S. cerevisiae. Perhaps surprisingly, nucleosome occupancy did not exhibit large, global variation between cell cycle phases. However, nucleosome occupancy at the promoters of cell cycle–regulated genes was reduced specifically at the cell cycle phase in which that gene exhibited peak expression, with the notable exception of S-phase genes. We present data that establish FAIRE as a high-throughput method for assaying nucleosome occupancy. For the first time in any system, nucleosome occupancy was mapped genome-wide throughout the cell cycle. Fluctuation of nucleosome occupancy at promoters of most cell cycle–regulated genes provides independent evidence that periodic expression of these genes is controlled mainly at the level of transcription. The promoters of G2/M genes are distinguished from other cell cycle promoters by an unusually low baseline nucleosome occupancy throughout the cell cycle. This observation, coupled with the maintenance throughout the cell cycle of the stereotypic nucleosome occupancy states between coding and non-coding loci, suggests that the largest component of variation in nucleosome occupancy is “hard wired,” perhaps at the level of DNA sequence. Keywords: FAIRE
Project description:We present Micrococcal Nuclease digestion maps of S. cerevisiae through the progression of the Yeast Metabolic Cycle. We demonstrate that nucleosome positions at many promoters are dynamic, and remodeling events at promoters have significant consequences with respect to gene expression. Examination of nucleosome positions and transcriptional output through metabolic oscillations in budding yeast.
Project description:KaposiM-bM-^@M-^Ys sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is an oncogenic gammaherpesvirus which establishes latent infection in endothelial and B cells, as well as in primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). During latency, the viral genome exists as a circular DNA minichromosome (episome) and is packaged into chromatin analogous to human chromosomes. Only a small subset of promoters, those which drive latent RNAs, are active in latent episomes. In general, nucleosome depletion (M-bM-^@M-^\open chromatinM-bM-^@M-^]) is a hallmark of eukaryotic regulatory elements such as promoters and transcriptional enhancers or insulators. We applied formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements (FAIRE) followed by next-generation sequencing to identify regulatory elements in the KSHV genome and integrated these data with previously identified locations of histone modifications, RNA polymerase II occupancy, and CTCF binding sites. We found that (i) regions of open chromatin were not restricted to the transcriptionally defined latent loci; (ii) open chromatin was adjacent to regions harboring activating histone modifications, even at transcriptionally inactive loci; and (iii) CTCF binding sites fell within regions of open chromatin with few exceptions, including the constitutive LANA promoter and the vIL6 promoter. FAIRE-identified nucleosome depletion was similar among B and endothelial cell lineages, suggesting a common viral genome architecture in all forms of latency. Ten total samples analyzed by FAIRE-seq from latent KSHV-infected cell lines. Two replicates were performed for BC1, KSHV-BJAB, KSHV-HUVEC, and L1-TIVE cells using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. For BCBL1 cells, 1 FAIRE-seq sample and 1 non-cross-linked control BCBL1 sample was analyzed using the Illumina GAIIx
Project description:Numerous factors have been implicated in regulating gene expression changes, including changes to nucleosome occupancy. Here we followed dynamic changes to nucleosome occupancy, gene expression and DNA binding of the transcription factor Msn2p genome-wide in yeast cells responding to hydrogen peroxide and reveal new relationships between regulators of stress-dependent gene expression in yeast.
Project description:Numerous factors have been implicated in regulating gene expression changes, including changes to nucleosome occupancy. Here we followed dynamic changes to nucleosome occupancy, gene expression and DNA binding of the transcription factor Msn2p genome-wide in yeast cells responding to hydrogen peroxide. and reveal new relationships between regulators of stress-dependent gene expression in yeast.
Project description:Metazoan transcription is controlled through either coordinated recruitment of transcription machinery to the gene promoter, or subsequently, through regulated pausing of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in early elongation. We report that a key difference between genes that use these distinct regulatory strategies lies in the chromatin architecture specified by their DNA sequences. Pol II pausing is prominent at highly-regulated genes whose sequences inherently disfavor nucleosome formation within the gene, but favor nucleosomal occlusion of the promoter. Pausing of polymerase maintains these genes in an active state by inhibiting the formation of repressive promoter chromatin. In contrast, promoters of housekeeping genes that lack paused Pol II are deprived of nucleosomes regardless of polymerase binding, but show higher nucleosome occupancy downstream. Our results suggest that the "default" chromatin state of a gene instructs its regulation, and that highly-regulated promoters have evolved to encourage competition between nucleosomes and paused Pol II for promoter occupancy.
Project description:Metazoan transcription is controlled through either coordinated recruitment of transcription machinery to the gene promoter, or subsequently, through regulated pausing of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in early elongation. We report that a key difference between genes that use these distinct regulatory strategies lies in the chromatin architecture specified by their DNA sequences. Pol II pausing is prominent at highly-regulated genes whose sequences inherently disfavor nucleosome formation within the gene, but favor nucleosomal occlusion of the promoter. Pausing of polymerase maintains these genes in an active state by inhibiting the formation of repressive promoter chromatin. In contrast, promoters of housekeeping genes that lack paused Pol II are deprived of nucleosomes regardless of polymerase binding, but show higher nucleosome occupancy downstream. Our results suggest that the “default” chromatin state of a gene instructs its regulation, and that highly-regulated promoters have evolved to encourage competition between nucleosomes and paused Pol II for promoter occupancy.
Project description:The identification of nuclease-hypersensitive sites in an active globin gene and in the 5' regions of fruit fly heat shock genes first suggested that chromatin changes accompany gene regulation in vivo. Here we present evidence that the basic repeating units of eukaryotic chromatin, nucleosomes, are depleted from active regulatory elements throughout the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome in vivo. We found that during rapid mitotic growth, the level of nucleosome occupancy is inversely proportional to the transcriptional initiation rate at the promoter. We also observed a partial loss of histone H3 and H4 tetramers from the coding regions of the most heavily transcribed genes. Alterations in the global transcriptional program caused by heat shock or a change in carbon source resulted in an increased nucleosome occupancy at repressed promoters, and a decreased nucleosome occupancy at promoters that became active. Nuclease-hypersensitive sites occur in species from yeast to humans and result from chromatin perturbation. Given the conservation of sequence and function among components of both chromatin and the transcriptional machinery, nucleosome depletion at promoters may be a fundamental feature of eukaryotic transcriptional regulation. Keywords: ChIP-chip