Project description:Description:
Mass spec raw data in association with Sudhakar JN, et al in Lumenal Galectin-9-Lamp2 interaction regulates lysosome and autophagy to prevent pathogenesis in the intestine and pancreas, Nat Comms (accepted 2020 July).
Project description:Paper: Transcriptional Profiling of Plasmodium falciparum Parasites from Patients with Severe Malaria Identifies Distinct Low vs. High Parasitemic Clusters Milner et al Plos One July 18, 2012
Project description:We report a method for specific capture of an arbitrary subset of genomic targets for single molecule bisulfite sequencing, and for digital quantitation of DNA methylation at a single nucleotide resolution. We used targeted bisulfite sequencing to characterize the changes of DNA methylation during the de-differentiation of human fibroblasts into hybrid stem cells, and into induced pluripotent stem cells. We compared the methylation level of approximately 66,000 CpG sites within 2020 CpG islands on chromosome 12, chromosome 20, and 34 selected regions. A total of 288 differentially methylated regions were identified between fibroblasts and pluripotent cells. Methylation cluster analysis revealed distinct methylation patterns between fibroblasts and pluripotent cells. Furthermore iPS cells are globally more methylated than human embryonic stem cells, which could be due to the reprogramming process. This targeted bisulfite sequencing method is particularly useful for efficient and large-scale analysis of DNA methylation in organisms with large genomes. Experiment Overall Design: Comparison of DNA methylation on 2020 CpG islands and 34 other selected regions among eleven human ES, iPS and fibroblast lines.
Project description:High-throughput sequencing of endogenous small RNAs from the moss Physcomitrella patens. This dataset encompasses microRNAs and other small RNAs of ~20-24 nucleotides expressed in the moss P. patens. SAMPLES UPDATED JULY 9, 2007 TO INCLUDE DATA ON SEQUENCED SMALL RNAS THAT DO NOT MATCH THE P. PATENS GENOME Keywords: High throughput small RNA sequencing
Project description:Twelve inshore and six offshore colonies were reciprocally transplanted during 1 year (July 2017- July 2018) at Florida Keys (location). After this period samples were collected from the field and brought to the Experimental Reef Laboratory facilities (RSMAS, Miami) to be acclimated to 30C during 7 days in six aquaria. Three aquaria were keep under initial conditions for the duration of the experiment (30C) and three aquaria had the temperature increased everyday during 7 days to a final temperature of 32C. A total of 56 samples were collected for RNAseq after 6 days of the temperature treatment and stored at -80C.