Project description:The Effect of Sex on Lacrimal Gland Gene Expression in the MRL/lpr and Non-obese Diabetic Mouse Models of SjšgrenÕs Syndrome Keywords: Female vs Male Lacrimal Gland Gene Expression.
Project description:The Influence of Testosterone on Lacrimal Gland Gene Expression in Female Mice of the MRL/lpr and Non-obese Diabetic Models of SjšgrenÕs Syndrome Keywords: Placebo versus Testosterone Treatment.
Project description:The Effect of Sex on Lacrimal Gland Gene Expression in the MRL/lpr and Non-obese Diabetic Mouse Models of SjšgrenÕs Syndrome Keywords: Female vs Male Lacrimal Gland Gene Expression. Female and male lacrimal glands were harvested each mouse strain . Tissues were pooled into 3 biological replicates and were hybridized to separate microarrays. Each cRNA prep was hybridized to a GE Healthcare/Amersham Biosciences CodeLink UniSet Mouse 20K I Bioarray and a Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Expression Array 430A.
Project description:The Influence of Testosterone on Lacrimal Gland Gene Expression in Female Mice of the MRL/lpr and Non-obese Diabetic Models of SjšgrenÕs Syndrome Keywords: Placebo versus Testosterone Treatment. Female placebo and testosterone treated lacrimal glands were harvested from each mouse strain . Tissues were pooled into 3 biological replicates and were hybridized to separate microarrays. Each cRNA prep was hybridized to a GE Healthcare/Amersham Biosciences CodeLink UniSet Mouse 20K I Bioarray and a Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Expression Array 430A.
Project description:Lung samples were generated from female mice of MRL/MpJ-+/+(MpJ) and MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr (lpr) on 3 days post infection of mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 or non-infected condition.
Project description:In this study, miRNA expression in splenic lymphocytes from three genetically disparate lupus-prone mouse models (MRL-lpr, B6-lpr and NZB/WF1) were profiled. 49 miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in MRL-lpr mice compared to MRL mice; and 24 miRNAs were differentially expressed in B6-lpr mice compared to B6 mice. Among these dysregulated miRNAs, we noted that 15 miRNAs were common to both lpr strains. Interestingly, microarray analysis of NZB/W and NZW at 3 months of age, an age when overt lupus disease is not evident in NZB/W mice, revealed that only one miRNA, miR-148a was significantly upregulated in NZB/W mice. The aim of this porject is to determine the common miRNA expression changes in splenocytes from different strains of murine lupus models. The splenocytes were prepared from genetically lupus-prone female mice including MRL/MpJ-Faslpr/J (MRL-lpr), NZBWF1/J (NZB/W), B6.MRL-Faslpr/J (B6-lpr) and their control mice MRL/MpJ (MRL), NZW/LacJ (NZW) and C57BL/6J (B6) mice (The Jackson laboratory, ME). Total RNAs, containing miRNAs were isolated from whole splenocytes using mirVana miRNA isolation kits (Ambion) following manufactory’s instructions and sent to LC Sciences ( for the microarray assay. The mouse miRNA array chips (Chip ID miRMouse 12.0 version), which included 617 unique, mature, mouse miRNA, based on the Sanger miRBase Release 12.0, were used in the assay.
Project description:CD103+ and CD103- B cells from Wildtype Non-obese diabetic mice and NLRP6-deficient (ko) NOD mice were investigated for their gene expression All B cells were isolated from the spleen of female non-diabetic mice aged 12-16 weeks and gated on Live, single TCRbeta-CD11c-CD11b-CD19+
Project description:In this study, miRNA expression in splenic lymphocytes from three genetically disparate lupus-prone mouse models (MRL-lpr, B6-lpr and NZB/WF1) were profiled. 49 miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed in MRL-lpr mice compared to MRL mice; and 24 miRNAs were differentially expressed in B6-lpr mice compared to B6 mice. Among these dysregulated miRNAs, we noted that 15 miRNAs were common to both lpr strains. Interestingly, microarray analysis of NZB/W and NZW at 3 months of age, an age when overt lupus disease is not evident in NZB/W mice, revealed that only one miRNA, miR-148a was significantly upregulated in NZB/W mice.
Project description:Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease triggered by T cell reactivity to protein antigens produced by the β-cells. Here we present a chronological compendium of transcriptional profiles from islets of Langerhans isolated from non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice ranging from 2 wks up to diabetes and compared to controls. Parallel analysis was made of cellular components of the islets. Myeloid cells populated the islets early during development in all mouse strains. This was followed by a type I interferon signature detectable at 4-6 wks of age only in diabetes susceptible mice. Concurrently, CD4 T cells were found within islets, many in contact with intra-islet antigen presenting cells. Early cellular signs of islet reactivity were detected by six wks. By 8 wks, NOD islets contained all major leukocytes populations and an inflammatory gene signature. This work establishes the natural transcriptional signature of T1D and provides a resource for future research. 57 RNA samples isolated from the pancreatic islets of langerhans of experimental mice: 2-18 wk old non-obese diabetic (NOD) and newly diabetic NOD were compared to controls: NOD.RAG-/-, B6.g7 and C57BL/6. There were 3 or 6 biological replicates per condition. All mice were female. All data was normalized using RMA in Arraystar. Data table includes normalized probe intensity for every probe.