Project description:The soft coral Scleronephthya gracillimum is an azooxanthellate octocoral order Alcyonacea. In this study, stress responses to increased seawater temperature and marine acidification were investigated using a microarray. The S. gracillimum microarray was constructed. The S. gracillimum microarray was constructed after RNA-seq. Oligonucleotides were picked from UniGene of S. gracillimum and the clones were annotated using Blast.
Project description:We report the full transcriptome (RNA-Seq) of Vibrio fischeri ES114 in rich medium, seawater, and after venting from the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes. We also report the effects of ribodepletion on low-biomass samples, down to input amount of 1ng total RNA.