Project description:MicroRNAs stably exist in the peripheral blood and can be potential biomarkers. In this study, we evaluated the serum miRNA profiles of patients with uterine sarcomas.
Project description:Sarcomas originating from the endometrial stroma include low- and high-grade endometrial stromal sarcomas (ESS) that are associated with specific translocations, and highly malignant undifferentiated uterine sarcomas (UUS). UUS is considered a poorly defined group of tumors and is often seen as a “diagnosis of exclusion” after ESS and leiomyosarcoma (LMS) have been ruled out. Using aCGH, we showed that UUS more complex genomic aberrations that low- and high-grade ESS.
Project description:Sarcomas originating from the endometrial stroma include low- and high-grade endometrial stromal sarcomas (ESS) that are associated with specific translocations, and highly malignant undifferentiated uterine sarcomas (UUS). UUS is considered a poorly defined group of tumors and is often seen as a “diagnosis of exclusion” after ESS and leiomyosarcoma (LMS) have been ruled out. Through gene expression profiling, we show that UUS form a well-defined group of tumors with a unique genetic profile distinct from LMS and both subtypes of ESS.
Project description:Factors delivered to offspring in colostrum within two days of birth support neonatal porcine uterine development. The uterine mRNA transcriptome is affected by age and nursing during this period. Whether uterine microRNA (miRNA) expression is affected similarly is unknown. Objectives were to: 1) determine effects of age and nursing on porcine uterine miRNA expression between birth and postnatal day (PND) 2 using small RNA sequencing (smRNA-Seq) and; 2) define affected miRNA-mRNA interactions and associated biological processes using integrated target prediction analysis.
Project description:To investigate molecular biological features of uterine leiomyosarcoma, microRNA and mRNA sequencing were performed. Here, we provide the microRNA sequencing data, and the mRNA data is GSE185543.
Project description:The protein cargos of uterine extracellular vesicles isolated from uterine lavages, collected from pregnant mares (P; day 10, 11, 12 and 13 after insemination) and cyclic control mares (C; day 10 and 13 after insemination), was analyzed.
Project description:The landscape of extracellular matrix (ECM) alterations in soft tissue sarcomas (STS) remains poorly characterised. We aimed to investigate the tumour ECM and adhesion signalling networks present in STS and their clinical implications.