Project description:au09-04_geminisilsup2 - gemsupv2 - Determine the level of expression in transgenic plants expressing geminviral gene silencing suppressors. One transgenic line of Arabidopsis overexpressing the geminiviral silencing suppressor V2 was grown in addition to a control, and their total RNA was extracted in order to study their genetic expression profiles.
Project description:au07-12_geminiselsup - gemsup - Determine the level of expresison in transgenic plants expressing geminviral gene silencing suppressors. - Transgenic lines of Arabidopsis overexpressing three different geminiviral silencing suppressors: C2, C4 and V2 were grown in adition to a control and their total RNA was extracted in order to study their genetic expressions profiles. Keywords: gene knock in (transgenic)
Project description:au10-09_gemsupv2ts-7 - gemsupv2ts-7 - Determine the level of expression in transgenic plants expressing geminiviral gene silencing suppressors. - One transgenic line of Arabidopsis overexpressing the geminiviral silencing suppressor V2TS was grown in adition to a control and their total RNA was extracted in order to study its genetic expression profile.