Project description:WT and Ikbke-/- EF cells were stimulated with recombinant interferon beta for 6 hours. Cells lacking IKKe kinase show a defect in a subset of interferon stimulated gene transcription Experiment Overall Design: WT and Ikbke cells were either stimulated and left untreated to compare their response to interferon.
Project description:WT and Ikbke-/- EF cells were stimulated with recombinant interferon beta for 6 hours. Cells lacking IKKe kinase show a defect in a subset of interferon stimulated gene transcription Keywords: comparative study
Project description:Immunoprecipitation of GNAQ protein by immunoprecipitation with two different antibodies from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (C-19 and E-17) in isolated mitochondria from different cell lines. The cell lines used include: Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) wild-type (WT), GNAQ knockout (KO) and knockout expressing GNAQ WT (KO_Gq). NIH3T3 cells were also used.
Project description:Gene expression data obtained from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from wild type fibroblasts (iPSc WT) and from Gaucher Disease type 2 fibroblasts (GD iPSc). Also, gene expression analysis from the initial fibroblasts was made (WT fibroblasts and GD- fibroblasts), as well as gene expression analysis from a human embryonic stem cell line (hES4).
Project description:B-DNA-induced gene expression profile in wild-type, TBK1, IKKi(Ikbke), or TBK1 IKKi doubly deficient embryonic fibroblats; to elucidate how TBK1 and/or IKKi mediates B-DNA-mediated innate immune responses. Keywords: ordered
Project description:Forelimbs were dissected from embryonic day (E) 13.5 Pax3-knockout and wild-type murine embryos (n=3 per genotype), homogenized, and proteins were fractionated into 5 samples (C, N, M, CS, and IN fractions). C, N, M, CS, and IN fractions for Pax3-KO (KO) and wild-type (WT) were analyzed by LC-MS/MS.
Project description:Gene expression data obtained from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from wild type fibroblasts (iPSc WT) and from Gaucher Disease type 2 fibroblasts (GD iPSc). Also, gene expression analysis from the initial fibroblasts was made (WT fibroblasts and GD- fibroblasts), as well as gene expression analysis from a human embryonic stem cell line (hES4). Two different iPSc cell lines derived from Gaucher Disease type 2 fibroblasts were analysed in order to be compared to iPSc derived from Wild Type fibroblasts (only one cell line) and human embryonic stem cells (only one cell line). The initial cells: two different wild type fibroblasts and one Gaucher disease type 2 fibroblasts were also analysed.